Chapter 3: Dinner Date

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I stuggle to keep my aching eyes open as my head pounds a long night of no sleep does that to you, a small ding erupts through the small coffee shop making my headache worse. I wince at the pain as a familiar sight comes into view.

"Hello Clyde, two moch... holy shit dude. What happened to you?" Craig asks concerned.

"I uhh... none of you business." I retort, I want to share my burdens with another.

"All right then, just saying though you look like you hit by a bus. Face first."

"Thanks, you are really helping this situation right now." I reply sarcastically, he rolls his eyes.

"You really should get that looked at, I wouldn't of even came into work if I looked like that. No offence." He says examining my bruised face.

"Its fine and my co-worker is off pregnant and the shop doesn't make enough money to pay for another worker. So either I come in or I am fired." I say in a gleeful sarcastic tone.

"Dude that sucks." Craig says, "Two large mochas please kind sir."

"Ok." I simply say as I go back to making his coffees.

"Where do you work?" I inquire.

He looks up from his phone and shyly looks away, "I am kinda inbetween jobs at the moment." He confesses, blushing with embarrassment.

"How come you have so much money to buy these coffees everyday?" I ask.

"You seem to ask a lot of questions."

"What can I say, I am a very curious man." I reply smiling, the first time I have smiled since yesterday.

"Well my boyfriend owns his own coffee shop that he inherited from his parents." He explains.

"And yet you come here for your coffee?"

"Yeah this one is better, Tweek was kinda angry that I came here but he tried your coffee and said it was really good," Craig explains making me blush before having an epiphany.

"Holy shit, are you dating Tweek Tweak?" I inquire thinking about my elementary friend.

"Do you know him?" Craig asks skeptically.

"Yeah we used to be friends back in elementary, along with our friend. My now husband Token." Craig's eyes open wide.

"No fucking way dude, Token Black? Me and Him used to be best friends in High School along with Tweek. Your name did sound familiar, either Tweek said it or I might have seen it on Facebook." He explains, his eyes light up like he has a genius plan, "We should totally have dinner together, me, you, Token and Tweek."

"No. No. No. No." I repeat panicking, if Token found out I was chatting with another boy he would kill me.

"Did I hear my name?" Token says stepping into the room, his face looks like he is concerned.

"Babe what happened to your face?" He asks in a fake caring voice.

"Oh nothing." I reply looking away slyly.

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