Chapter 11: Scars

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My tears drip down the side of my face, how could he do that to me. After everything I have been through and he does that.

I thought he would be different...

Apparently not. I wipe away the tears that begin to stain my face. I lean agasint the rock that Craig took me to.

I light up a cigarette and smile as the tobacco filled fumes fill my lungs. I exhale making the smoke create patterns in the dark night sky.

I begin to laugh thinking about how fucked I really am. Maybe I have a power that makes everyone hate me.

I dunno.

But maybe.

I let the cigarette slowly burn away, the heat from it burns my fingers slightly.

The pain intensifies but I just let it sit, until I snug it out on my arm creating a burn mark on my lower forearm.

I smirk at the ash that is burning my flesh, I light another smoke and do the same thing.

Then another...

And another...

I snub out the cigarette more angrily each time, to the point I am fucking furious.

I pick up the packet and throw it down the cliff, tears begin to form as I fall to my knees.

I roll into the fetal position and begin to cry, like really cry. To be honest I bawl my fucking eyes out.

I cried more than I ever have, losing my daughter, Tweeks death, the countless beatings I received from Token. Nope.

Craig pushing me slightly is making me like this.

Fuck I am a crybaby...



n extremely painful headache and a cup of scalding coffee is how I begin this morning.

I decided that today I would do absolutely nothing, I literally cannot be fucked doing anything, god I am such a mood.

I slouch on the couch, before reaching into my pouch to grab the my phone but instead I end up saying ouch.

I pull my hand out of the small bag revealing blood streaming down my hand, I open the bag wider revealing a knife.

"Where the fuck did that come from?" I exclaim rushing over to the sink to clean myself up.

More and blood escapes the open wound, the front door suddenly opens. Clyde stands there looking at me as I lean over the sink.

"Hey, Craig. I just wanted to come by to say I am so sor... WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" He says shouting the last part making me jump slightly.

"I fucking cut myself, what does it fucking look like happened?" I say flabbergasted.

The pain intensifies as he grabs my hand examining it closely.

"That's pretty deep, here keep pressure on the wound," Clyde says handing me a cloth.

"I know its fucking deep, I'm fucking bleeding all over my damn floors," I retort angrily.

"Don't get angry at me, I'm just trying to help," He says, Clyde goes into the bathroom and brings out a first aid kit.

He places it on the bench, he takes the cloth off and pours some liquid onto the cut.

I yelp in pain, "Oh that hurts by the way," He says sarcastically.

"Thanks Sherlock, I didn't notice the pain," I reply equally as sarcastically.

Clyde smirks and pours more of it into my cut making it sting even more.

"Fuck! I'm sorry jesus christ." I say in pain.

After cleaning it he wraps it up in a bandage, "There you go, it should be fine." He says before walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I don't know Craig, but I can't be here."

"What why? Please just stay and let's talk," I plead.

"What is there to talk about?"



"You want to talk about us? I don't even think we are a thing," I say rolling my eyes.

"Just please sit down so we can figure it all out, please." He pleads.

"Since you did say please, I guess we can talk," I say taking a seat across from him.

A few minutes pass of silence, "Are we gonna talk or Nah?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Yes, I need to think about what I am gonna say." Craig explains sighing.

"I don't have all day. So let's get to the juice of it all. What are we?" I ask.

"I don't know. I like you. Like I really do like you Clyde," He says.


"I think it's too soon, for me to be dating again. I mean I just lost Tweek and it's all... too much," Craig explains with tears in his eyes.

"So we are through? Is that what you are saying!" I say angrily.

"No that's not what I am saying. All i am saying is that we need to wait!" Craig says.

"So I am supposed to wait until YOU are ready for me?" I say laughing sarcastically, "That is not fucking fair for me."

"Your right... maybe we are over. It's not fair for me to do this to you. So there's the door." He says pointing towards the front door.

I angrily stand and glare at him, "We've been through all this shit and this is how it ends."

"You are a very selfish person, all you care about is yourself. You cheated on Tweek because you were fucking me and now I have to live with that forever now. The only thing I got from this whole experience was GUILT! I shout.

"I am the guilty one not you."

"Oh I know, Tweek died because of you!" I shout.

"No, that's not true. He died from natural causes. I cannot interfere with what nature does." Craig says shaking his head.



"Yes. You killed Tweek. He is dead because of you!" I shout, Craig stands and moves closer to me.


"Its the fucking truth, murderer." I say.

Craig lunges at me, he tackles me to the ground and begins to hit me...

I cry out in pain as he hits me again and again.

"I DID NOT KILL HIM!" Craig shouts.

I feel my face begin to bruise as be hits me again but this time my vision begins to fade...

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