Chapter 2: Introductions

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The Next Day

"Hello again," I say to the brunette at the counter.

"What do you want?" He asks with bitterness in his voice.

"I want a server with a better attitude," I retort.

"Well I am all you got, so are you going to order something?" The guy says scowling at me.

"Fine I will take a fucking mocha," I reply smirking, "What is your name?"

"Clyde. Donovan, why do you ask?" Clyde asks angrily.

"Just wanted to know your name that is all. I am Craig Tucker, by the way." I explain smiling at him.

"Sorry, I am just really tired and shit. Didnt mean to come off offensive," Clyde explains.

"Its all good dude, I completely understand. My boyfriend talks all the time and I get extremely bored and tired of his shit all the time." I confess, he smiles. A nice smile he has, it's good to see something other than a frown on his nice face.

"Thanks I really wanted to know your life story," He teases grinning.

"You have a nice smile." I blurt out, I mentally face palm myself as he begins to laugh.

"No I dont." He replies.

"Okay, could I get my coffee?" I ask quickly changing the subject.

"Oh... yeah sure I guess. Here you go," the brunette says handing me a paper cup filled with the drink of the gods.

"See you later... Clyde."

"Goodbye Craig." He replies smiling to himself.

At Craig's House

"You are looking happier today," Tweek says noticing the spring in my step.

"I don't know what it is, it might be this coffee." I reply practically skipping around the living room.

He begins to laugh, "You look so gay when you do that."

"I don't see anything wrong with that," I retort grabbing his hand.

I twirl him around the room, he giggles like a little girl and begs me to stop. His laughter getting louder.

"You want me to stop loving you?" I tease.

"What! No. No. No. I didnt mean it like that. Oh my god please don't leave me. I couldn't live without you." Tweek panics making me smile.

"I was kidding babe and I reckon you would do amazing without me. Like I said all those years ago you are capable of more than you could know," I reply at my twitchy boyfriend.

He blushes slightly and rushes into my arms, he wraps his own around my waist and pulls me closer to him, "Never leave me." He mutters under his breath.

"What was that?" I inquire not knowing exactly what he said.

"Promise me, that you will never leave me." He replies staring into my eyes.

"I promise." I say also staring into his eyes.

He smirks slightly and kisses me passionately.


"Hey babe," Token says from the kitchen as Mia runs out and rushes into my arms.

"Hello sweetie," I say picking up the three year old and holding her in the air.

Her innocent smile directed towards me warms my cold heart, I kiss her on the cheek and put her back on the ground.

"Hey Token," I say to my husband.

"How was work, your home early?" He asks acting like he cares.

"Pretty good, it was quite quiet so Angela said I could leave," I explain he just nods.

"Oh hello Clyde," Token's mother says emerging from the kitchen as a shiver shoots up my spine and the birds stop chirping.

"Hey Linda, what are you doing here?" I ask in my fake happy voice.

"I'm just picking up more clothes for Mia then I am taking her back to my house." She explains.


"My son said I could so I am going to." She retorts picking Mia up, "Come on little one how about some ice cream?"

"Ice Cream, yes Ice Cream." Mia says beaming with happiness.

The door closes behind him as the air turns cold, the car pulls away and I feel colder than I ever have.

"Is there a reason why our daughter is once again staying at your mother's," I blurt out angrily.

"Because I fucking want some time alone with you and do not speak to me with that tone," He hisses.

"I never get to see her anymore, I yearn to spend just one full day with her. Do you not care about what I want." I retort, "All you care about is yourself..."

His hand connects with my face, I grasp my throbbing cheek as I fall to the ground.

"Oh now look at what you made me do," He spits looking down at me with nothing but resent.

"Do you want to know why I keep sending her away?"

"..." I remain silent.

"I regret ever adopting her..."

Tears well around my eyes, how dare he even say such harmful things.

"Having a child with you was the second worse thing that has happened in my life. The first was marrying someone as useless as you!" He shouts grabbing me by the collar of my shirt.

"Token... baby please..."

"Do not call me that, you cheating fucking whore." He screams punching me in the stomach.

"I didn't cheat on you..."

"I... don't... believe... you." He spits punching me again.

I cry out in pain as his fist connects over and over again, tears fall to the ground as he hits me.

"I wanted her gone so she wouldn't see me do this to you." He says hitting me again.

"Stop," I cry out but he doesn't.

"You are mine!" He yells, "Even though I hate you, I like using you."

"What do you mean?" I mutter out.

"You know what I mean," He replies cryptically. He moves his hands up my shirt.

He nibbles at my ear, "You are only good for one thing..."

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