Chapter 19: Golden Opportunity

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Token slowly drifts off to sleep with me still resting my head atop his chest, I look up at his face. He looks at peace, happier than I will ever be under his ungrueling rule.

I slowly remove my head off his chest, I keep my eyes on him as I slowly back away from the brown skinned man.

My hand fumbles with the door handle as I slowly open the door letting in a sharp breeze into the house.

I keep my eyes glued onto Token, if he moves even a little I am so fucked. More fucked than your mother last night.

I close the door as quiet as I could be, this is my golden opportunity. I run... I run as fast as my bruised legs could go.

Nothing stopped me, not the sleet covered road that made running a nightmare, nor the countless amount of drunk people littering the streets. Their drunken breathes wafting into my face making me gag with each breath.

My legs carry me to my destination in no time and for the first time... I feel free.

The cold hard breeze of the night attacks every inch of my bare skin as my body zips down the street.

Flakes of snow trickle down from the dark clouds above blanketing the town in white.

My destination comes into view, my heart races... there it is...

I open the door with force, luckily it was unlocked. I enter Craig's house and stop dead in my tracks.

"Uhhh who are you?" A woman in a suit asks me.

I look at her shocked and then around the empty house, all the furniture gone like the wind and no other signs of life except this woman and myself.

"I'm Clyde, friend of the owner," I say smiling.

"This place is on the market, the previous owner is long gone..." She explains.

"Oh..." I say confused, "Where did he go?"

"I don't know, but you have to leave. You are trespassing," She says escorting me out of the house.

I step back a few steps and look up at the empty house, only the living room light remains on. The rest of the windows are as dark as my thoughts...

He abandoned me... That motherfucker.

I begin to run again, tears running down my face. I wipe them away and try to concentrate on my next move... the police station.

The idea flashes in my mind, I feel the light bulb above my head come alive as I veer around and make a bee line towards my local police station, they can help me.

I run past more drunken assholes and come to a crossing with the Police Station on the other side.

I take a few steps onto the road, I see my freedom and faith finally returns to my body.

A wave of relief washes over me as I take on large step onto the crossing.

A sharp pain hits my leg as I go flying through the air, I land on the hard asphalt. I let out a shriek as the excruciating pain echoes throughout my body.

I look up at the source of my pain, a similar car sits resting in the same spot I once stood.

The front door opens and a shadowed figure steps out, he or she (its 2020 ya'll, we can't be assuming genders) steps out of the vehicle and slowly walks towards me.

"Think you could escape me that easily," Token spits his voice laced with venom, I shudder at the pain as I look up at him.

"Fuck... you!" I yell glaring at him with spite.

"Theres gonna be a lot of that... don't worry," He replies a evil smile on his face.

Meanwhile in Charleston, West Virigina


"So how are you settling in?" Kenny asks over the phone.

"Yeah it's alright, I got a job in sale," I reply.

"Well that's good, very good. Will you be coming back soon?" He asks with a hint of sadness.

"Why? Do you miss this dick already?" I say smiling.

"I will always miss you big sweaty cock Tucker," Kenny replies chuckling.

"Your disgusting," I reply.

"You started it," He replies.

"Fair enough, but I got some unpacking to do. Talk to you later," I say smiling.

"Okay bye, love ya, " He says hanging up before I could reply.

I smile and put down the phone, my eyes glance over my several boxes of items all cramped into my one bedroom apartment.

I sigh and begin the unpacking process...

I catch a glimpse of a photo under some of my random shit lazily piled into a box.

I pull it out, it's a Polaroid of me and Clyde...

I smile at the warm memory, I put the photo onto my nightstand and continue to rummage through boxes.

I find a photo of me and Tweek which I put next to the others. I find a whole pile of photos and stuff them into the bottom draw of my nightstand.

Memories of everything that town has shat out enters my mind one last time as I attempt to forget everything that is South Park...

I don't want to forget the good memories but, you have to forget the good ones to remove the bad ones.

"Goodbye South Park."

This Story Isnt Over... I know this sounds like the ending but NO. I reckon another 10 or so Chapters. Soooooooo stay tuned.

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