Chapter 28: Sinking into Insanity

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"I thought I remembered it all..." I say my mind racing, thoughts of many events that I could have forgotten. So much experiences that have been completely wiped from existence.

"Trauma and certain events lead to forgetting moments in your life. You repress some of these moments until they are forgotten altogether," My therapist explains.

I nod at his statement and look down at my hands, nothing feels real anymore. It all feels likes a dream, like nothing matters anymore.

It feels like every person I see is only a figment of my imagination, I don't remember a fucking thing about my past relationships before Token. I can only remember him.

But everytime I think about him or what he has done to me feels like I am sinking into a deep and dark abyss of confusion and depression.

I feel like I know Token but at the same time when he speaks, he sounds like a stranger. He acts in ways I cannot predict. I want to be happy with him but the past memories that may or may not be fake taint my memory of him.

"What are you thinking about?" The therapist asks me, his eyes staring at me with a caring look on his face.

"Its... nothing," I reply looking down.

"We need to build a barrier of trust, I need to know how you are feeling right now so I can help you," He informs me.

I look down to my feet and close my eyes.

"In one word describe how you feel right now."


"Care to elaborate?"

I glance up and stare the therapist dead in the eye, I lick my dry lips before opening my mouth to speak.

"I feel like I am constantly sinking... sinking into insanity. I feel lost. I want everything to come back to me. I dont want to forget everything," I cry, tears streaming down my face like a waterfall.

"This wont get easier for you. I'm gonna tell you this to help you. Token is not going to help you," The therapist explains, "You need to help yourself."

I look at him with hope, "How can I help myself," I ask.

"Token is your past, you constantly confront your past everyday and now it is time for you to runsway from your past and look into the future," He explains.

I sit in silence thinking everything over, I could leave this town and leave my life behind.

I didn't really have a life to begin with.

No job, a terrible husband and nothing to show for myself except the bruises that litter the entirety of my body that show my past in a purple and black pattern.

"You may need to leave this town or maybe even your husband. I'm not normally one to tell people to break up but in this situation, I think it's for the best," The therapist informs.

"I will leave. This town holds to many bad memories," I say with determination.

I stand to leave, the therapist grabs my arm and whispers in my ear, "Be careful, don't tell Token of your plans."

I wriggle away from his grasp and nod, I walk out of his office and house, I make my way down the street with thoughts rushing through my head again.

I glance up and take a glimpse of someone... my head begins to pound as I try to remember the person's face I see a few meters away.

My head beats even more as he moves closer to me, his eyes glued to his phone as his walking brings us closer together.

With each step he takes my head hurts more, I look down and grip my hair tightly.

"Clyde?" The person asks looking up from his phone and staring at me.

"Hi." I say simply my headache slowly fading.

"How are you?" He asks with a short but sweet grin.

I put on a fake smile, "I'm doing just fine," I lie.

The ravenette nods before stepping to the side, "I need to get going," he says.

I quickly panic and ask, "What is your name again?"

"Your kidding right?" He replies and I shake my head looking down before saying, "I have been forgetting quite a lot of things."

"Oh..." the black haired alpha male replies.

"I'm Craig, Craig Tucker," The man says.

My migraine returns with an intense pain i have never felt before. I pull my hand up to my forehead knocking my glasses from my face.

I hear them fall to the concrete below, the probably shattered but I have more pressing matters to attend to.

My head hurts even more to the point I drop to one knee, my brain exploding with pain.

"Holy shit are you okay?" Craig asks.

The pain leaves as quickly as it came, I kneel in the same spot before looking up at Craig. I recognize him.

He was the one in the van. The one that said would take me away from this place.

I remember remembering his name. But nothing about him, not a single thing but his looks. Mostly because he is standing right in front of me.

I stand and grip his collar, I stare into his eyes with determination, "Get me the fuck away from this god forsaken town!"


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