Chapter 32: What Comes After

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"So your telling me that Craig Tucker, committed murder?" The officer asks, I look at him with confusion.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask curiously wanting to know what he said. My head is pounding so any little bit of information goes in one ear and out the other.

"Did Craig Tucker murder, Token Black? Yes or No?" The officer asks his voice stern and commanding displaying that he has all the power here.

My remain glued to him for a few minutes, "Token is a terrible person, he has done terrible things to me and other people," I say starting to cry, small droplets of water slide down my cheeks.

"What has he done?"

"He caused the crash... he tried to kill me and Craig," I reply.

The officer starts to write down this on a pad, despite this his eyes are still on me. His hard gaze sending shivers down my spine.

"I still need to know, did Craig Tucker murder Token Black?" He interrogates.

"Out of self-defense. If Craig hadn't did what he did then I wouldn't be here today, he saved my life from that psychopath," I cry, my sobs echoing throughout the station.

The cops gesture soothes as he nods, "Thank you, Mr. Donovan," He says.

"Am I free too go?" I ask.

"Not yet, I still need to talk to Craig," The officer explains opening the door and leaving me alone in this bland and boring room to dwell on my thoughts.


The door opens, after an hour of waiting in this room someone finally enters. My eyes quickly shoot over to the man dressed in blue looking at me. He smiles slightly.

He then takes a seat, "So, Mr.Tucker. a little friend of yours told me that you killed someone," The officer explains and my heart sinks... Clyde ratted me out, better me than him though. He wouldn't last in prison, I would probably be alright.

"Okay," I say.

"He didn't give a reason to why you did it, so could you elaborate?" The office asks.

I gulp and for the first time in a while I am scared out of my mind. Not fear for my life or getting hurt. The thought of never seeing anyone I care about ever again, I've definitely lost my job, I'll never see Kenny again or his boy toy. I will never see... Clyde... I wont see him ever again.

Tears begin to well up in my eyes, the weight of everything starts to get to me, I feel like the whole world is dragging me down. I feel depressed and lonely. I've lost it all.

"Mr Tucker?" The cop calls out clearing seeing me spaced out and not in my mind.

I look up at him, my mind racing. "Token... was a complicated person, he did things... terrible things. I watched Clyde everyday get more and more bruises and cuts, more broken bones and marks." I stop talking as I start to cry. I am fucking crying, my father will be watching down on me thinking that he raised a little bitch of a son.

"I couldn't handle seeing Clyde like that anymore, I tried to get him away from this town. But he tracked us down and crashed into us," I continue my voice cold.

"I grabbed that baseball bat..." I say my voice growing more violent and angry whilst recounting the events of last night.

"I killed him... I swung the bat so many times until all I saw was red... The red of his blood that I spilled across the street... the red of his brains smashed across the asphalt..." I yell, a manical smile spread across my face as I tell my experience.

"Sir. Calm down," The officer demands.

"Do you wanna know the funny thing?" I ask.


"I would do it again... nothing will stop me from protecting Clyde, not you and definently not that fucking rotting corpse," I laugh.

"You think this is all funny? The murder?" The officer asks his face obviously not amused.

"I do... and I'm tired of pretending it's not," I reply with a glare and smile.

"Craig Tucker, I am placing you under arrest for first degree murder of a one Token Black, anything you can say..." I start to zone him out as two more uniformed officers start to take me away.

As they take me out of the room I look across the hall at Clyde, his eyes meet mine with guilt prominently stored behind them. I smile at him, a warm and perfect one. I want him to know... its not his fault.

He sees this and smiles back, I am then escorted to a police car parked outside the station. I look at the car and then back at the station... goodbye.



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