Chapter 23: Chairè

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I tap my pen across the notebook in front of me, ideas sprawled across the paper on how to help Clyde. But none of the things listed will help him whatsoever.

I hear a knock at my door and tell whoever it is to enter, "Mr. Donovan is here to see you again," Adam replies with a smile.

"Send him in, oh and if you tell Kenny your fired," I say in a calm but demanding voice. Adam's smile fades and nods now knowing I know his secret.

Clyde stumbles into the room, his grimace prominently engraved onto his face. Clyde's fiery eyes shoot daggers towards the direction in which I stand.

I watch as the man with a limp sits down on the comfortable chair on the other side of my polished oak desk.

His glares continue and he remains in complete and utter silence, I feel a shroud of animosity surround us as I open my mouth to speak.

I quickly close my mouth again as his stares intensify and the terrifying look on his face increases in anger sending a shiver up my spine.

His grimace slowly fades and his glares subside and morph into a look of sadness and helplessness.

"Are you okay?" I ask seeing the hurt he attempts to hide, I see the pain he feels within those eyes I have grown attached too.

I impatiently tap my pen against my desk, the tapping growing louder with each passing second as I await his response.

Clyde reaches over with a speed I've never seen within him, he snatches the pen straight from my grasp and throws it across the room.

It hits the wall and bounces off it and onto the carpeted floor, the pen rolls a few inches colliding with the seat that Clyde sits in.

"Sorry," I apologize looking at him for a reason to why he is here.

I continue to stare, his face slowly falls and he brings a hand up and wipes away a stray tear sliding down his right cheek.

His Irises fill with water as he just breaksdown in front of me, I sense his sadness as I move over to him.

Without thinking my lanky arms surround him as I engulf Clyde with a nice warm embrace, his stiff body slowly eases into it.

I feel the droplets litter my shoulder, with each droplet falling I hold him tighter. I feel like holding on forever and never letting go.

Unfortunately all things come to an end, we pull apart and he wipes away the last of the droplets staining his pale face.

"I'm going to ask you again, are you okay?" I ask hoping he would answer me.

He turns his head to face me and stares at me while slightly tilting his head, "I'm living the fucking dream," Clyde retorts bringing back the anger he hid behind his sadness.

"Okay then... I dont know what to do," I confess throwing the notepad in front of him, I watch as his eyes scan over the pieces of paper.

"I knew you couldn't help me," He explains with no emotion behind the words coming out of his mouth. He didn't sound sad, only disappointment.

I look away from him and feel at fault for everything that has conspired, "I care about you, Clyde... I really do," I say looking at him with compassion and sincerity.

He glances up to me and our eyes lock, I feel the happiness inside of him that has laid dormant. I want him to be happy, I want him to be with me.

"Like I said, there is nothing you can do. The police wont help, I can't escape this town and I can barely leave the house without an escort," Clyde replies his voice calm but broken.

"I tried... I really did," I say.

He shakes his head and stands, "I know you did and I'm grateful," He grins, his smile quickly fades into a blank expression.

Clyde moves towards the door, he pulls a hood up over his head. Before leaving he veers around to face me.

"This is probably goodbye... forever," He announces, I feel my heart snap in two at the news.

"Goodbye Clyde, I want you too be happy."

"Happiness is long gone for me," Clyde explains making this harder for me as he exits the building.

I wait a few seconds with wild thoughts moving through my brain, I quickly stand and run out my office and try my best to find Clyde.

With his limp he is as slow as a snail, so I caught up to him quite easily. "Clyde!" I yell out over the carpark.

He turns around and our eyes lock again, he looks at me with a confused expression.

I move closer to him with tears threatening to escape and a big smile, I run the remaining distance and wrap my arms around him.

"I love you, Clyde... I am so sorry this is the way it has to be. But always remember that no matter what. I will always love you," I say with all the sincerity I could muster.

I cup his check and move my head towards him, I press my lips on his.

The kiss was deep and passionate, while it only lasted a few seconds. It was the best few seconds of my life.

We pull apart and for the first time in a long time, a proper fully formed smile wriggles it's way onto Clyde's face.

"I love you too, but I must go," He informs me moving away from me still smiling.

"Goodbye Clyde..."

"Chairè," Clyde replies in ancient Greek.

I watch as he walks away from me, the sun setting casting a soft orange glow over the lot, this is the end of us.

Somethings always come to an end, unfortunately for me, I hoped me and Clyde never had.

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