Chapter 18: Trapped

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"Hey, Clyde how did things go with Token?" I ask, he sighs into the phone.

"Fine. But I am leaving you," Clyde replies with zero emotion in his voice.

"What the fuck did I do this time?" I exclaim with the anger within me rising again.

"You didn't do anything, I just think this is for the best," He replies.

Tears stab my eyes wanting to be let go but I fight and hold then in, "Why?"

"There is no reason, just let me go and Craig?"

"Yeah?" I reply my voice shaky.

"Don't do anything stupid, stay healthy and safe," Clyde says.

"Like you care?" I spit my anger getting the better of me.

"I do care, you know I do..." He says before sighing, "If you wont stay safe for me, do it for Tweek... he wouldn't want you to be like that again."

"Do not say his name, you have no right..." I say awaiting a response, he sighs again and hangs up. I place the phone on the coffee table in front of me and then I stare at nothing but the bare wall.

After a few hours of self loathing I pick up my phone and dial the number of the only friend I have left.

Kenny picked up instantly, "Hey Cutie, how are things with the other cutie?" He asks.

"Hey dude, I need your help. I need to get my mind off Clyde. Could you like come over or something?" I ask.

"Hmm, tempting but I can't at the moment. I have a couple people coming over for some drinks. You can come aswell if you want, it most likely end in a giant orgy?" He suggest, I shake my head and smile slightly.

"I think I'll pass, I don't want to play bottom again," I say snickering.

"Okay then, your loss but tell me what happened?" He says.

"With what?" I ask trying to play it cool like I dont know what he is on about.

"You and Clyde, you silly goose," Ken replies.

I sigh and roll my eyes, "He just left me for no reason and now we are here," I explain, it sounded longer in my head.

"Oh... is that it? I think he just needs some space or maybe you do... I mean you did lose your boyfriend and the other one died sooooo maybe this town ain't for you," He suggests.

"Where would I go?"

"I hear Derry, Maine is a good place this time of year?" He says.

"Isn't that the town from IT?"

"Yes... yes it is. What's wrong with that?" He asks.

"I dunno maybe it's not real and if it was, I would want to go there... I fucking hate clowns," I say shaking my head at his ridiculous answer.

"New York?"

"Too expensive, so that also rules out anywhere in California," I say sighing.

"Why not somewhere like Indiana or Kentucky. Texas? Or even West Virginia," Kenny suggests

"I do like the sound of West Virginia... Take me home, country roads, too the place I belong... WEST VIRGINIA..." I say singing. Kenny laughs at my horrendous singing and i smile.

"You would really suit that place, but you gotta promise me you will ring me every day," Kenny says.

"Yeah of course and I will visit like once a month for your famous orgies, only on one condition that I don't bottom," I say.

"Fine then. Have it your way. I'll miss you though," He replies in a somber tone and manner which is weird coming from someone like him.

"I'll miss you too Ken," I say hanging up.

I guess it's time to start looking for a place to live and work... and a way to get all my shit from a to b. Luckily Tweek set up life insurance before he died so I still have some money to get shit done...

Three Weeks Later


My life over the last three weeks went from bad to complete and utter hell. I am trapped... forgotten by everyone that ever knew me.

I haven't heard from Craig, Token let's me check snapchat and Facebook, its not like anyone messages me anyway.

I rest my head on his chest as he instructed and watch the movie he has put on for us, "See... life isnt that bad when you follow orders," Token says smiling, his smile going from nice to pure evil in seconds as I shoot a small glare at him.

"Are you still angry at me? I only hurt you because you made me hurt you," He explains gritting his teeth.

"No I'm not angry at you," I say with no emotion in my voice, I forgot all the other emotions were as I only feel fear. I live in fear that one day, I wont wake up.

If I spoke up one more time to this deranged psychopath that I would go to sleep with one swift hit from his fist and fall into a deep slumber of which I will never wake.

So I do what I'm told... I will wait for an opening to leave this hellhole behind and go somewhere I will never have to see his face ever again.

All I need is that Golden Opportunity... that one slip up he will do so I can slip out of this house and let the road carry me to wherever I need to be...

I need to not feel trapped... I yearn to be happy again.

I want Craig... he makes me happy.

He doesn't rape me...

He doesn't scare me...

He was the best thing to happen to me...

And now he is gone, he will never speak to me again. But if I leave this house ever, I running straight to his house and hugging him.

I don't want to feel trapped...

But I am.

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