Chapter 12: Bruises

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Two Weeks Later


My lips touch the bottle as I take a swig from the liquid that has been my best friend through these hard times.

"Another?" The bartender asks and I smile nodding.

He hands me another bottle, I place $30 on the bar for him. He takes the required amount and leaves the rest there.

My vision hazy and my mind racing. I look up at the television above the bar and mindlessly watch whatever is on.

Someone sits next to me, I look over to thepr person seeing a Male about my age there with a drink in his hand watching the same boring ass show I am.

"Do you mind?" He says noticing me staring.

"Am I not aloud to look at people?" I reply.

"Not when you continuously stare at someone, weirdo," He says.

I scoff and continue my drink, "Since I really hurt your feelings how about I buy you a drink," I say.

"I am not one to say no to a drink," The stranger says smiling for the first time since he sat down.

I pass the bartender more money and the man notices my bruised hand. "What happened there?" He asks...


I look at my bloody and bruised hands, my gaze moves towards the unconscious body of Clyde Donovan. I slowly crawl over to his body and hold him my arms.

"I am so sorry Clyde, I am so fucking sorry!" I cry.

I pick him up in my arms and carry him down to the car, I safely place him in the back and begin to drive to the hospital with several scenarios running through my head.

I begin to pick up speed as I don't want him losing anymore blood.

Red and blue lights light up my rearview mirror forcing me to pull over...

End of Flashback

"Nothing..." I say bitterly downing my drink.

"Doesn't look like nothing, it looks quite serious," He replies.

"What's with all the fucking questions, why don't you enjoy the drink I bought you and shut the fuck up," I spit.

"Calm down, I was just worried about a guy as pretty as you getting hurt, asshole." The random guy says.

I roll my eyes, "Fuck off."

"You bitter when your angry. Maybe you should take a chill pill. From the look of your hands it looks like you kill someone and I have on intention on dying today." He says looking at me.

I panic and yell, "I didn't fucking KILL ANYONE!"


An officer steps out of his car and approaches me, he taps slightly on the window and I reluctantly open it.

"Do you know how fast you were going back there?" The officer asks.

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