Chapter 24: Starbucks

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"Hello welcome to Starbucks how may I help you?" The barista asks me, her smile larger and faker than I could ever imagine plastering on my face.

"The largest and blackest coffee you can give me," I say with no effort in my tone or manner in which I say it.

"Coming right up," The fiery redhead replies, her smile looking slight less fake as she winks at me. I roll my eyes and her grin slightly grows.

She passes the paper cup across the counter, I pay for it and look at the cup revealing a phone number with the words call me.

I look at her and she giggles slightly, I flash her my finger with the band of metal on my ring finger. She sees the ring and looks depressed about it all.

I mean she is the one who is single working in a fucking StarBucks. So she has the right to be depressed...

That was kinda mean, I didn't say it aloud but it doesn't give me the right to say it.

I thank the auburn barista and exit the store, I being my slog walk towards the evil enthralled house being controlled by the psychopathic cunt.

My black leather boots embed large footprints into the sparkling, white snow. Many more miniature flakes of snow drift down from the grey clouds above.

My eyes glance from flake to flake trying to catch them as they graciously fall. It makes me smile, something I rarely do these days.

I begin to pick up the pace, I wouldn't want to be late. I reach my destination.

I stare at the house and the path leading towards it, a shroud surrounds the house with darkness and depression.

This house holds the worst memories that are scattered around my brain, most of them are horrible but most revolve within or around this house.

Not a single day goes past that I wish for a better life...

I don't deserve one...

Token said I was useless and that is exactly what I am, complete and utter useless.


The air remains still, birds stop their melodic songs. My eyes squint as I glare at my opponent. His eyes return the nasty look I sent their way.

I keep my eye balls glued to him, I see the sweat droplets leak from his face as his face already shows the emotion of defeat.

I feel my competitive spirit come through and feel the adrenaline building within me, my opponent looks at me a little scared.

I smile and turn my hat around to face backwards like Ash always did in the Anime when shit was about to go down.

I throw the pokeball... oh shit I mean basketball and it soars through the sky. I turn away not even looking to see if I won.

I hear the net and nothing else until the ball hits the ground, "Ooooooooh!" The crowd cheers as I take a bow.

"How are you so good at 2k?" Kenny asks throwing the controller onto the ground with some force. It's his controller not mine so I dont care if he breaks it.

"I was just born with pure talent," I say with a slight shrug of the shoulders and a smug smile to accompany.

"You're just lucky," Kenny retorts, his smile completely wiped from existence and is replaced by a scowl.

"I won five games in a row," I reply.

Kenny's eyes stray away from me as his stare is now directed towards the carpet, "Are you Okay?" I ask trying to be more considerate than what I have been recently.

"Yeah... I'm uhh great," He replies after a minute of pure uninterrupted silence, there was a big hesitation in his voice and a fake smile to accompany.

"You can talk to me if you need to get something off your chest?" I suggest, his smile grows larger but yet again it looks forced.

He nods but dismisses my suggestion and moves his attention to the game, "I'm fine," He finally replies midway through the game.

"So you kissed Clyde?" Kenny teases changing the subject completely to turn it on me.

"Yeah..." I reply with a hint of sadness echoing though my tone.

Kenny's devilish smirk fades and his glare softens as he notices my expression, "Are you okay?" Kenny inquires putting emphasis on the 'you.'

"Not really to be honest," I confess.

"What's on your mind?" He asks in a concerned manner.

I pause the game and stare at him with a blank look not really knowing what to say, "uhhh," was the only sound to leave my currently agape mouth.

"You still want to help?"

"I will never stop wanting to help him," I retort with annoyance plaguing my tone.

Kenny nods simply and his eyes leave me and they wander around my house. He sits in deep thought for a few minutes as a deep silence engulfs us.

"I think I have an idea," Kenny says.

"For what?" I ask, he looks at me and then promptly rolls his eyes.

"To help Clyde..."

"Oh... uhh what is your plan?" I question with hope fueling my growing adrenaline.

"The plan will take a lot and I need to know if you are willing to do whatever to get him back," Kenny explains gripping my shoulders with force and staring intently into my eyes.

"Yes..." I say with hesitation.

"We need a crew... actually I think it can be done with only two people," He continues.

"What's the plan?"

"We need a gun and shovel..." Kenny adds completely ignoring my previous question.

"What is the fucking plan?" I ask with my patience thrown entirely out the window.

"We are gonna..." Kenny says before pausing for dramatic effect...

"Kill Token..."

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