Chapter 13: Stranger

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"What did he say?" I ask curiously.

"He was obviously drunk and saying he just wanted to talk to you," Token replies in a calm and sweet voice.

"Thanks for telling him to leave, I don't think I am ready for that right now," I say smiling.

"No problem," He says sitting next to me. I groan in pain when he sits next to me.

"Are you Okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It just hurts a bit. That's all," I reply.

"Would you like something to eat? I am starving," Token asks standing.

I wasn't listening to him as I was thinking... about someone else.

"Hey babe, do you want something to eat?" Token asks in a louder voice breaking me from my trance.

"I'm fine, thanks and please don't call me that. We aren't there again yet," I say, he looks down and just nods.

Token moves to the kitchen and my mind again goes to Craig, I hate him but I can't get him out of my head.

I hope he thinks about me too...


I return to the bar instead of going home, I mean what's the point of trying anymore.

I sit in the exact same barstool as earlier and luckily for me, my new bestie is gone aswell.

"A bottle of your finest beer please?" I say to the bartender putting on a random voice for no apparent reason.

"I'll get that," Someone says handing the bartender money.

I look to my right, it is the guy that I really couldn't be fucked talking too.

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask angrily.

"You looked down so I bought you a drink as compensation from earlier. Btw I wanted to say sorry for earlier," The blonde says.

"Did you literally just day Btw instead of by the way even though the latter has less syllables?" I ask.

"Yes I did, but who cares. I also want to know if you are okay?" He asks.

I roll my eyes and ignore him.

"Craig? Are you alright?" He asks again.

I slowly turn my head towards the dirty blonde man sitting beside me. "How did you know my name?" I ask curiously and with suspicion.

"Do you not recognize me?" He asks.

"Yes, you are the same guy that fucked me off less than an hour ago," I spit.

"Dude, we literally went to the same school," He replies, "I used to hang out with three others, Kyle, Stan and Fatass?"

"Hmmmm," I say trying to place a name to the face, "Now that you say that, I do see a familiarity in your face."

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