Boleyn x Parr and Seymour x Aragon

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"Are you sure it's alright to leave the kids overnight with Anna and Kitty?" Jane asked, worried.

"Yes love, now get in the car, over-protective parent," Catherine retorted. Jane shot a look at her wife before getting in the car.

"Cathy, Cathy, Cathy, " Anne repeated until Catherine gave her the attention she wanted.

"Yes Annie?" Catherine Parr turned to her fiancée.

"Can you get Catherine in the front to turn the music up?"

"Anne, I heard you!" Catherine Seymour responded.

"Yeah, but you don't listen to me!"

"Fair point Anne, fair point Anne," Catherine shook her head

"Can you two get on for more than 5 seconds? This is supposed to be a romantic get-away, please can you manage just one- weekend." Jane pleaded.

"It might suprise you to know, we don't enjoy breaking up your fights," Catherine Parr added.

"Lets play the Bucklist game, you each say something you want to have done in the next ten years, I'll start" Jane intervied, "By 2030, I want to have done... a cruise,"

"By 2030, I want to have done... a trip to America," Catherine Parr added.

"By 2030," Anne begun,"I want to have done Cathy,"

"Anne, I don't need to know that!" Jane answered.

"Anne Boleyn, never share that information again,"

"I was saying what we were all thinking..."

"We weren't all thinking... oh never mind," Catherine Seymour sighed.


That evening, when they went down for dinner, Cathy sat opposite Anne and Jane opposite Catherine.

"Cathy, close your eyes," Anne smiled. Cathy did as requested. "And open your mouth. You have to guess what I'm putting in your mouth."

"Oh my gosh..." Catherine face palmed.

"That's a tomato!" Cathy exclaimed and Anne giggled.

"You're cute when you giggle," Cathy opened her eyes and gazed into Anne's.

"I know babe," Anne winked.

"Oh, I cant stand this any longer," Catherine got up and dragged Jane with her. They payed for their meals and headed to the room.

"What are we doing now hun?" Jane asked as threw her arms round Cath's neck.

"Well I was thinking... late night swim?"

"You read my mind..."

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