Jane Seymour x Reader

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Trigger warning: mentions of eating disorder (anorexia) and depression.

"Jane love! I'm leaving for work now! " You say as you run down the stairs, knowing Jane was in the kitchen.

"Y/N sweetheart, you don't want any breakfast?" Jane gave you a worrying look.

You hadn't been eating since you fell into a state of depression last month. Jane was the only one who knew about your mental health issues but you didn't tell her about not eating.

Despite being severely underweight, you kept refusing to eat, and you told your girlfriend you'd get something on the way to and back from work.

As you were about to pick your bag up, Jane came up behind you and hugged you from round the stomach before asking,

"Y/N, you've still got a hour before work, can we talk please? I'm worried about you, " You were nervous for what was to follow. You loved Jane, but you didn't want anyone to know about your eating disorder. Reluctantly, you sat down on the sofa with her.

"What's up J?" You asked. Only Jane let you call her 'J'.

"It's just, I haven't seen you eat in ages love, and you're so skinny, " She whispered, her voice hung with sorrow.

Ashamed, you looked down, you weren't going to lie to your girlfriend, but you didn't want to have to say anything. Overwhelmed by the situation, you fell into Jane, and cryed. She heard your sobs, and brushed your hair from your eyes.

"Is it...?" She asked, knowing you'd understand what she meant, but not wanting to say it aloud for your sake.

In reply, you nod and cry harder. You dig deep and try to find the strength to tell Jane exactly what is going on.

"I... I-I... h-have... an-norx-i-ia, " You managed to say through streams of tears and sharp breaths.

Jane doesn't say anything at first and just holds you closer to her.

"We can get through this together baby, " She says, releasing a tear or two of her own. It was obvious how much this hurt her, that her own partner had an eating disorder and she didn't notice earlier.

You sat snuggling with Jane for a further 45 minutes. The 45 minutes filled with tears and comforting words from both of you.

"Tomorrow love, I'm going to need to see you eat something, even if it's just something small, okay?" She asked you once you had started to calm down, placing her hand on your leg to show you she loves you and wants what's best for you.

You nodded into her in return. You didn't want to, but you knew you had to do it.

Feeling physically and emotionally at a low, you decided to phone in sick from work and Jane took a days holiday to look after you.

The pair of you then snuggled and stayed close with each other for hours after everyone had left until you fell asleep in Jane's arms. She gently kissed your head and I whispered

"I love you sweetheart, and I hope you know that,"

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