Aragon x Boleyn

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Especially for CubeyMcCuberson

"I wasn't lying when I said I loved you, " Catherine moved closer the the green queen, who snubbed the comment, thinking this was one her wind-up games after finding out how she felt about the older Queen. The only other person who knew about Anne's feelings was Jane, who had to pry it out of her after Anne refused to come down for dinner the day her and Catherine had a big fight.

"But you hate me!" Anne sobbed into the pillow.

"Look Annie, I know we've had our differences but really, " Catherine sat on the end of the bed Anne had buried her head in."That was kinda a defence mechanism, to cover up how I feel about you, "

"Who told you?" Anne looked up with anger written all over her face.

"Who told me what?" Catherine asked calmly.

"Oh give up the act! We both know you are winding me up! And Jane let it slip to you!" Anne sat up, throwing her arms in the air and tears streaming down her face.

"Annie, I honestly don't know what you're talking about, " She kept a calm tone.

"Jane told you! And you are playing a really cruel joke!"

"Jane told me what Anne?"

"That I like you... "Anne mumbled under her breath.

"Pardon?" Catherine took a step forward, she needed to clarify what she thought she heard.

"I like you, okay!?!" A sobbing Anne attempted to leave the room but Catherine stopped her in her path, pulling her into a hug. After a minute of silence, Anne spoke. "You really like me? Like that?"

"I do Anne, I really do,"

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