Aragon x Boleyn

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Written for : DaniKos3 (This is a very different writing style than I am used to, so sorry if it's rubbish)

Catherine was sat in the queen's chambers where she was awaiting her new lady in waiting. The lady in reference came from a French background and grew up in a French court, so she was to be familiar with the royal proceedings.

"Hello, your Majesty, " The pale woman entered the room. She had lengthy black hair and her light green dress gently hung on her.

"I pressure you go by the name Lady Anne, " The queen giggled softly as she curtsies before her.

"Yes your Majesty, what may I assist you with first, your majesty?" Anne asked, slightly overwhelmed by the undertaking of such an immense task. Catherine immediately took a warming to Anne both personality wise and looks-wise.

"May we converse Lady Anne?" Catherine motioned the younger woman to sit near to her.

"Of course your majesty, " Anne answered, baffled at the request. She had always idolised the Queen of England since her coronation and admired many of her physical attributes. She longed to be with the Queen however that would not be socially accepted and the Queen was already with the King.

"Does Henry know you are here?" Catherine questioned.

"I do not believe his Majesty is aware, shall I..." Anne was cut off by Catherine.

"Well, please stay with me for a while longer, "

"Of course your Majesty, "

"Please, call me Catherine, "

"Are you sure your Maj-" Anne was interrupted by Catherine placing her finger in the air. "Catherine..." Anne felt weary, speaking the her royal highness as if she were a acquaintance of her own. "I apologise sincerely your highness, that was not correct of me,"
Catherine giggled at the way Anne retreated before coming up with an idea.

"Would you like your first royal orders?"

"Yes please, your highness,"

"Always call me Catherine and," She paused, "Kiss me." This made Anne think throughly.

"As much as I'd like to, your majesty... I can't" Anne insisted, not wanting to anger the King on her first day of work.

"Queen's orders!" Catherine reminded her and Anne did as requested. "I like you Anne, like I liked Henry."

"You said liked, your Majesty," Anne shook her head in disbelief.

"I have fallen in love with you Anne,"  Catherine confessed calmly.

"Your Ma- Catherine, I have always loved you, but..."

"But what?" She raised her eyebrow seductively. "The king will never suspect a thing..."

"You're right. He's got no grounds to suspect anything..." Anne added, much less scared than previously.

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