(N.R) Catherine and Katherine

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Requested by aloistian

"Come on Kat, time for bed," Catherine said as the TV rolled to the credits.

"Catherine!" Katherine pleaded.

"No buts, your Mum left me in charge,"

"I think I have a good excuse," she placed her hands on her hips.

"Oh really?"

"I have to have my injection tonight," she crossed her arms.

"Oh um, okay, I'll ring Jane," Katherine sat down as Catherine left, satisfied she had gotten her way.

Katherine could hear her step-mother on the phone in the kitchen obviously stressed-out. She felt slightly bad for causing this much distress but it couldn't be massively avoided.

"Jane said if it's okay with you, can I do it?" Catherine sat down next to the girl. "I often do hers," 

"Yeah, you do," Kat answered suggestively.

"No, not like that, well yes like that, but that's not what I meant," Catherine went red as she spoke.

"Ew, please no,"

"Anways" Catherine place her hand on Katherine's shoulder "Will you let me give you the injection?"

"Thank you," Katherine pulled her step-mother into a hug.

"For what?"Catherine asked confused. Her and Kat were never overly close, especially not before Catherine married Jane. Before Kat saw how kind and caring Catherine could be, she was actually slightly scared of her, but Jane showed her how loving she really was.

"Thank you, for asking, I guess? Allowing me to decide if it was okay." Katherine tightened the hug, "I'm sorry that I was scared of you a few years ago, and I wouldn't trust you or anything..."

"Listen, love, I get it, I know you don't open up easily and I'm not the easiest person to get along with, especially with you throw Anne Boleyn into a situation.  When we first met, I thought I was actually going to shoot Anne, so kinda flipped out whenever she was around. And I get annoyed quite easily..."

"Even with Mum?"

"Oh yes, definitely with Jane. She will go off on her 'safety' talk whenever someone does something slightly dangerous"

So I understand."


"Yes Kat?"

"I love you, like a mother, " She confessed.

"I love you too Kat. Like a daughter, " The pair stayed in a long embrace until Catherine whispered, "I'll go get the needle, "

"Okay Catherine, "

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