Seymour x Aragon

746 21 31

Trigger Warning!  Mentions of Miscarriage.

Catherine watched as Jane cleared the table after dinner, she knew her wife wasn't okay. She saw the heart ache in her face, the held back tears.

No-one else knew that Jane was pregnant so no-one else knew she miscarried. They had received the news earlier that day and simply told everyone they had gone out shopping.

Catherine got up and left to comfort Jane. She entered the kitchen to find her, having completely tidied up, sat at the table, deep in thought. As Catherine shut the door behind her, Jane got up and melted into Catherine.

"Catherine, I'm so sorry," Jane sobbed into Catherine's shoulder. Neither of them had actually had the time to be upset about what they heard.
"Darling, what happed was not your fault!" Catherine replied, further upset by the fact Jane was blaming herself. "Of course I'm upset about what happened, but it was never your fault,"
"It must have been, what else could it have been," She sobbed harder,
"Remember what the nurse said," Catherine answered fighting back the tears,"That sometimes, these things just happen," There was then a long pause.

"Do you still love me?" Jane released Catherine from the embrace and stared up into her eyes. The light glistened off her tear stained cheeks. Catherine brushed Jane's blond hair out of her eyes.
"Of course, I still love you, I don't have a reason not to," Catherine replied, slightly hurt that Jane could think that.
"Yes you do, I lost our daughter," As she spoke she broke eye contact with Catherine and stared at the ground. Catherine picked up Jane hands and held them in her's.
"No, we lost our daughter and it was nobody's fault, love,"

Jane placed her hand on her stomach.
"Did you decide if you want to have the operation this week or next?"
"If it's okay, I would like it this week, " Jane gazed at Catherine's face.
"It's one hundred percent fine with me."

"If you're feeling up to it, the nurse said we should look at names, because, we still get to name her, " Catherine's voice fell, while neither of them wanted to think about a name they would never get to call to come in at dinnertime or say after the words "Mum will look after you, " this was a job that had to be done.

"Have you got any names at the top of your head?" The pair moved to sit opposite each other at the table, the air filled with melancholy.
"My favourite name is Natalie, " Jane said as she took her phone out of her pocket. Black tears fell on to her phone, unlocking it for her.
"Well, my favourite is the name Jaye'j, " She got out the laptop and started searching.

Together they went through many names.
"What about Alison, " Jane suggested after around 40 minutes of searching.
"Alison is such a nice name, sounds cute and innocent yet bold and brave,"
"Alison it is then.... Alison Seymour-Aragon,"

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