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For bookwormzyss

Katherine awoke and found herself next to a blond woman who she half recognised, who was still asleep. In a panic, she looked around. The last thing she remembered was being on the executioner's block and now she was in a strange room with a woman she must have hardly met.

"Excuse me?" she whispered at the woman, wanting to wake her because she might have known where they were but she also didn't want to be rude.

The other woman woke up and was just as confused at Katherine.

"Excuse me?" Katherine asked again. "Do you know where we are? I- I'm Katherine Howard," She asked, despite being terrified of asking, she needed to know. However, she was quickly relaxed when she heard how soft and gentle the other woman's voice was.

"Hello dear, My name's Jane. Jane Seymour, and in answer to your question, I have no idea where we are either, "

Jane was about to continue when two other women walked downstairs.

"I don't know where we are but it's lit!" The woman dressed in red sung.

"It's on fire!" Katherine stood up and got herself in a fluster. Until Jane pulled Katherine towards her.

"It's not on fire Katherine, it's just a weird not-a-word that she made up,"

"Anna, that's not a word!" The woman next to her exclaimed, obviously having introduced each other before hand.

"Hi, um blond woman, sorry I can't remember your name, aren't you dead?" Anna asked.

"It's fine," Jane giggled, "I'm Jane, Jane Seymour and, at least, I thought I was,"

"Hello, I'm Catherine of Aragon, I-"

Aragon was interrupted when they all heard a ping from one of the pockets. They all took a phone out of their pockets and looked at it, confused as to what it was. There was a message on the screen and Jane read it aloud.

"Dear six queens, you have all been re-incarnated in the 21st century. Amongst you should be, Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anna of Cleves, Katherine Howard and Catherine Parr. You were reincarnated in pairs so you all have met with someone. We are giving you all second chance considering how unfair the 16th century was to you, love your guardian angel ~ Amanda,"

"Um, okay, but there only 4 of us..." Catherine exclaimed.

With that, two more woman ran downstairs, laughing.

"Hi! I'm Anne Boleyn!" The green queen managed to get out between bursts of laughter.

"Catherine! Parr!" The blue dressed woman, stuttered, also between giggles.

"What on earth happened to you two...?"

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