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"Where are you? You little shit."

As soon as 4 year old Christian heard that he knew Demon must be home. Even though it was after midnight and he was in bed asleep he jump up and curled himself into a ball under his bed clutching onto his only friend an old dirty teddy bear. He named him Ted he was the only birthday gift he had ever received from his mother.

Trembling in fear he tells himself to stop crying or Demon would hear him.

Damon was his real name but everyone knew him as Demon, had just pick up two John's that was going to pay extra if they could have his bitch at the same time. After showing them to where his drug addicted whore of a girlfriend was, he went looking for her annoying clinging bastard son Christian. The little maggot was only good for one thing, to be his punching bag or ash tray at times. He was nothing but a burden to him, another mouth to feed. His whore of a mother was so high all the goddamn time, she allowed him to do whatever he deemed necessary as a punishment.

Walking into the kitchen he sees some crumbs on the countertop. Going to the cookie jar he knew how many were there when he left now there's one missing. "That little shit has the nerve to steal from me, when I fucking feed him two days ago. You hear me calling you? Where the fuck are you?"

Going into his bedroom there was only one place he could hide all the closets were locked up. Looking under the bed there he was cowering away, " There you are, you little shit get over here."

Reaching under the bed Christian tries to get away but wasn't fast enough Demon was able to catch him by the collar. Pulling tiny Christian, he kicks and screams for his mommy to help him but even at the young age of 4 he knew she was not coming. Once Demon finally had him in his arms Christian was able to bite his hand causing Demon to drop him to the floor. The floor did hurt Christian but that was a pain he was very familiar with and able to take.

Picking up Ted he runs for the door only to be recaptured by Demon, "You fucking prick I'm going to beat the shit out of you for fucking biting me. "

Grabbing and holding him up against the wall he takes his teddy bear tossing it to the side, "You were in the kitchen today weren't you?"

Little Christian shook his head frantically crying and balling his eyes out terrified about what was going to happen, "No, I.... I.... I never go to the kitchen.... today I swear...." Still crying and stuttering he didn't want any more burns. "Please.... please don't burn me I telling the truth I never go in the kitchen I was thirsty and mommy was sleeping...."

Letting him go Christian drops to the floor again and pushes himself into the corner Demon was getting more and more angry hearing the lies Christian was telling.

"Your mother was sleeping, so you went into the kitchen and ate my food without permission. Your a theft and thieves are punished."

"No, I never go to kitchen I went to the bathroom and because I couldn't reach the sink and even if I could the knobs are gone. So I only drink the toilet water that's it."

"Your lying and stealing but your whore of mother is working right now and I don't want to scare my clients. Don't get me wrong you will be punished but until then you know where your able to go."

Christian cried even harder he didn't want to go in that dark and cold place where he was all alone with not even Ted to keep him company. Demon wearing his evil ass smirk, grab Christian dragging him to the closet locking him inside.

Kicking and screaming at the door, scratching at the lock ignoring the pain of his tiny little fingers as they bleed. "I'm sorry please let me out I don't like the dark."


"I don't like the dark, I don't like the dark, I don't like the dark!"

He yells out before he wakes up drenched in a cold sweat falling back on the bed taking a deep breathe, "These fucking nightmares."

Taking a look at his bedside clock it's was only 3:30 in the morning but he did sleep longer this time. Getting out the bed he goes into his kitchen opens his fridge for a drink of juice his favorite, orange juice.

Thinking out loud, "Demon, son of bitch had the perfect name only a demon would put a lock on a refrigerator and beat and burn a kid for drinking toilet water."

Throwing the glass in the sink shattering it into pieces his anger was reaching it peak. Between the nightmare he just had and where his head was now he had to claim down. After cleaning out his sink he goes to the only place he can find solace his Black Fazioli Grand Piano. Christian played until he found himself getting sleepy again he headed back to bed to sleep for at least one more hour.

Christian 6 am alarm goes off so he gets up for his daily routine seeing the early morning rain he decided to take his run in his gym on the treadmill he didn't feel like being rain on today

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Christian 6 am alarm goes off so he gets up for his daily routine seeing the early morning rain he decided to take his run in his gym on the treadmill he didn't feel like being rain on today.

Getting off the elevator his CPO Taylor drives him to his company Grey Enterprises. On the way there he was trying to think of anything he could do to put some kind of excitement in his life. Thinking to himself it has been 6 months since he stop seeing Savannah, he always seem to have to pull the plug on their arrangements. For some reason they would become way to damn clinging always wanting more, catching feelings for him. As if the women had forgotten about the contract they signed and the rules he made. Didn't they understand what their role was to be?

Taking a pit stop at his P.A desk, "Andrea, before going to make my coffee book my table at the Mile's High Club for two."

"Yes Sir."

Olivia walks over to Andrea's desk, "I guess that means he's still going out with blonde lady old enough to be my grandmother. She is always dressed like she's on her way to the strip club for her shift. What do you think is up with him and her? Or are you on team gay? Like the rest of society."

Andrea did chuckle a little at Olivia but then remember her place and job, which didn't include gossiping about her bosses love interest. "Olivia, Stop it and go make his coffee while I book his table please."

"Fine I'm going but I hope he's not gay because getting a piece of that was the only reason I begged my dad to get me this job."

Shaking her head at her thinking so young. She clearly has no filter, "Olivia coffee now! Please remember this time, no cream."

Olivia went to fix her bosses coffee but was still thinking getting him was and still is her only reason to work here. Like come on I'm the daughter of the Mayor for Gods sakes someone should be getting me coffee. I'm so tired of this mundane job, it's time for me to make my move any way, which will make things more interesting.



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