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"Dude! What the fuck is your problem?"

Christian still in blind anger mode, "Ya, what the fuck is right? Touching her like that. Keep your paws to yourself."

"Man we were dancing it's what we do, on a regular."

Ana couldn't even believe what she just witness, "Christian!"

He turns to look at her," What the hell is wrong with you? How did you even know I was here?"

It is at this point they notice the crowd that was staring, "Do you really want to talk in front of a live audience Ana?"

"Fine, Jose I'm so sorry I'll be back. Let me just go and handle this okay."

He didn't respond with words just nodded his head, Ana knew it was hurting him seeing her walk away with Christian yet again.

Christian takes Ana's hand tight enough that she couldn't pull away. They walk to his car and Ana sits inside thinking this is where their conversation was going to be, so not a big deal. She watches as he send off a text, "Just give me one second Ana, Please."

* Christian- E I'm in the car with Ana let go.

* Elliott- Dude I saw your chick man sexy as hell no wonder, but I'm good go ahead and I'll let her friends know."

*Christian- Fine

Putting his phone down he starts his car to Ana surprise, "What the heck are doing?"

"Driving back to my room so we can talk."

"No your not we can talk right here, right now."

"Look Ana this is not something I talk about on a regular but I need to tell you about it."

"About What?"

"Ana I made a mistake last week saying what I said. Now I can't function right because you are fucking haunting me. Please I would feel more comfortable if we were back at my.... Actually it would be even better if I could show you back at my apartment."

"Your apartment back in Seattle?"

"Yes, listen Ana if at anytime you want to go home I will see to you getting home safely. Please, understand I have never begged for anything in my adult life. You have taken up my mind, leaving you alone has come to be an  impossible task for me. I feel that the only way I can get back to normal is to show you something in my private life no one knows about except for the ones involved. I am a man of control I need to be in control but with you, its just doesn't exist. Please, I.... I really don't know what else to say."

"Okay I'll go only because I'm curious and I doubt a rich guy like you would kidnap and murder me. What would be the point when you can get whom ever you want."

Smirking thinking to himself that he hopes that statement is right because then it means he could have her. Pressing his Bluetooth button, "Call Taylor."

"Mr. Grey."

"Ya, Taylor when we stop at the Heathman I need one of you to collect my things were heading back to Escala right now."

"Yes, Sir."


Christian has his goal insight he hope she listen and let him explain, and not reject him. He wasn't going to do this now but his control was no longer in his hands. Him almost beating the shit out of someone is something he has not done since his affair with Elena began. Now he's thinking was Elena right about needing to punish to dominate at all times. A normal vanilla relationship is not possible for him to have just as well as him being touched. If true he desperately needed Ana to agree.

As she rides in silence Ana was trying to figure out what it was he was going to show her. The things he said about his feelings towards her surprised her Kate was right. It was just still hard for her to think of a guy like him being into someone like her, she's nothing special. Him saying those things was him being honest she on the other hand has been ignoring such feelings fear of rejection but she had to admit her feelings for him was undeniable. Thinking how angry he was, ready to do more then just push Jose was that his true self? Was he an abusive person?

Looking up at such a tall magnificent building after a two in a half hour drive Ana was thinking, what in the hell did she just get herself into?

The car finally comes to a stop she didn't notice that he has already gotten out and open her door, "Ana?"

Hearing her named called she snaps right out of it, "Oh, my bad. thank you."

"Okay that's new you have to put in a code just to get to your apartment?"

"Ya, I live in the penthouse, the elevator opens right into my place so the code stops strangers from having the ability to getting into my house."

Feeling a little stupid Ana just nods, "O, makes sense."

"Wow, your place is amazing. I could probably move my whole childhood home in here and still have room left."

"Thanks, so are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"No, I ate before leaving for the bar, but maybe just some ice water please. Not trying to be difficult or weird but I actually want a glass filled with ice if you have any and a little water. Before you look at me all crazy I have an obsession with ice especially crushed ice I love it and crave it."

Christian had to laugh a little that new for him but then again that's Ana, "It's fine and I actually have crushed ice. So why don't you have a sit at the bar and explain this obsession to me while I get it for you."

"It's really isn't that interesting, you might find it as a TMI type of thing."

Getting a glass from his cabinet thinking to himself another first. Him preparing something for a female, "No, I want to know please."

Exhaling after taking a big breath, "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you. I had my first period at the very young age of 8 and they weren't normal ones. I would lose a lot of blood, I was tired all the time I could sleep for like 20 hours straight wake up and feel like I haven't sleep at all. My moms third husband Steven told her I was being lazy and sleeping around with guys, she believe him over me when it came to any and everything. She took me to a gynecologist for birth control thinking she needed to get me on them before I ended up pregnant. The thing was the doctor did whine up giving me birth control that I still take today, but it was because I have a blood disorder. My blood count can drop very low leaving me with very little iron and sign of that is the craving of ice my doctor said some people crave cigarette ash so I'm lucky."

"That was new for me but I am happy you told me. If your craving it now doesn't that mean you should be in a hospital or going to see your doctor because it's low?"

"No, right now I just wanted something to quench my thirst. When I'm having cravings you'll know, if you see me up at like 3, 4 in the morning and I'm crushing or shaving ice like a feen then I need to go to the doctor."

They both laugh until Ana bring them back to the reason at hand," So, no more stalling. Why did you need to bring me here to talk?"

It was Christian turn to exhale knowing he needed to this but also scare that she is going to run after finding out how sick, twisted and dark of a man he is. It was all or nothing for him right now.

Sitting next to her, "Okay, Ana you really got me scared shitless right now but I need you to have an open mind. Know this is something I have to share if I want to be with you, which I do."



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