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Ana closes the door on Christian, at that moment she was feeling all kind of confusing pinned up feelings. She stops in the kitchen for a bottle of water goes into her nightstand and gets a couple Tylenol, it felt like her head was swimming. She was trying to be strong and not to fall for him because she seen the type of guy he was. She knew from the start that a relationship was not in the cards, but felt as long as she told herself not to fall for him she would be okay. How wrong was she, her brain can listen but her heart doesn't and wants what it wants and that seems to be Mr. Christian Grey. As she crawls up in a ball all she understands is her heart wants him and it wanted him the first time she saw him. What she keeps telling herself to keep up your mask don't allow your façade to fall. Don't give him all of yourself to the point where he has all the power just enjoy each other for the next few months.

There's a knock at her door, she knew who it was so she just ignored it.

Kate knew she was ignoring her but there was no way she was going away, "Ana!... Ana I know your in there and I'm not going any where until you open this door and talk to me."

The door opens and Kate sees Ana sitting in the middle of her bed with her legs folded, in the way she always found cringing.

"Come-on Ana you know how I find you sitting like that cringing. Just because her a dancer and flexible doesn't mean to sit like that. Sit with your legs criss crossed like everyone else, not on top each other like their almost wrapped around your body and speaking of being flexible girl how could you not...."

It wasn't until now the Kate notice the tears in Ana's eyes, "What's wrong Ana? He did something to you didn't he? What did you he do? Because I will go right in my room and tell Elliott to kick his ass for you."

Ana let out a little giggle, "It's really not something he did, I just know that we will never be an 'us'. Also I didn't say anything because Christian doesn't want to be exclusive, I'm his little secret so please don't go blabbing to people saying he's my boyfriend because he's not."

"What do you mean? Didn't Elliott and I just see you 'getting it in' a little while ago?"

Shaking her head at Kate's comment, "Yes we did have sex, yes I did give him my virginity knowing a relationship was not at play and no I don't regret giving it to him."

"I knew there was something up with him and that something is that he is an asshole."

"Not really he was nothing but honest with me from the start. I just have to live with the choice I made."

"Okay so in that perspective he's not an asshole but he is a jerk and a big fat meanie which makes him an asshole that way."

"Well okay I'll agree with that but right now I just want to go to sleep and forget about everything for a little while."

"Okay I take a hint but seriously if you need anything just let me know. By the way I did see what he was packing and might I say the asshole was definitely blessed. Good night Ana."


It was now Wednesday night and here Christian was sitting at his desk working hoping it will keep Anastasia out of his head.

Hearing his cell going off he looks and sees that it's Elliott, "What do you want?"

"Dude what's up with the tude? Any way, look I'm still stuck here at Kate's and me and Jose wanted to...."

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