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The interview has been going okay so far. Ana learned a lot about him including the fact that he was adopted. He seems to cares a great deal about feeding and helping the hungry and homeless.

"You seem to have more heart then people know."

Christian smiled at that comment she was so innocent and had no idea how dark he really was, but he damn sure wanted to show her. He had to check himself. He didn't know where the hell that thought came from.

"I don't have a heart Anastasia. I just don't see how any one should go without food when there is so much of it being thrown away everyday."

Smiling back at him, "Well if you ask me that sounds like your heart speaking."

"Okay my last question, are you gay?..." Looking back down at the paper once she realized what she just said, "Oh my gosh I.... I am so sorry, Kate has a tendency of being very intrusive at times. I had no idea she wrote this until I said it. I'm so sorry Mr. Gay.... Fuck, shit I just fuck.... what the hell is wrong with me? I'm so sorry Mr. Grey."

Wow talk about being stunned, his family hasn't even come out and asked him that question. How could she not know what she was going to ask? "That I have to say took me by surprise, no one has every come flat out and asked me that question. No, I'm not gay Anastasia."

Biting her bottom lip she is so embarrassed and can see that she offended him. Ana needed to bring this interview to end before she says something even worst. He seems to be lost in thought any way.

Christian was being hypnotized watching Ana chew on her bottom lip her soft kissable lips. It made him want to bend her over on his desk and have his way with her. Damn it, he needed to shake away these wayward thought's. He sees how she becoming fidgety, she was going to leave he had to stop her.

Getting up he walks over and sits right next to her, "Miss Steele you asked me questions I see it's fair if I can ask you a few questions as well."

A little confused as to why he would want to know anything about her, "There really isn't anything remarkable about me I'm pretty average."

"For some reason miss Steele I doubt that. How about you tell me a little bit about yourself, like what are you going to do after graduating from WSU?"

"Well at the moment I'm waiting to hear back from a few places about an internship and I'm also packing."

Fuck what does she mean packing is she leaving? Wait why would you care? "Packing?... Packing for what?"

"Kate and I are moving to Seattle, her dad brought her another place in the Pike district area and she offered me a room. Her brother Ethan is moving there as well so I'm only staying until then."

"Where else are you going to...."

His office door opens interrupting their conversation looking up at Andrea a little angry but covering it up well of course, "What is it Andrea?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Grey but your one o'clock is here."

"Tell them to wait, were not done here."

"Yes Sir."

Ana was not trying to hold him up it's clearly obvious to her that he is a very busy man, "It's no big deal were actually are done here, and you answered all her questions. So I'll let you get back to your business."

"Your not holding me up at all." Getting up following behind to stop her at the door. This is another first, a woman is trying to leave only I don't want her too. "You said you signed up for a few internships, I can give you one right here."

"That's very nice of you but I'll have to decline. Literature is my major so I doubt I can offer your company anything, but thank you."

As she is walking out his door he's holds it open, "I just wanted to make sure you make all the way without falling."

Giggling at his comment, "Thank you very much Mr. Grey, I guess chivalry is not dead."

Guiding her to the elevator everyone couldn't help but look at the couple. The sighting Of Mr. Grey accompanying someone out of his office with a look of lust in his eye never happens. This is like seeing the real life big foot food shopping.

"How did you get here? Did you catch a cab or something? I'm only asking because we offer free rides when the weather is nasty." A total lie but she didn't need to know that.

"No I drove, there were no parks in front so I parked in the garage."

The elevator finally arrives and Christian had to say goodbye but he didn't want to. Taking her hand the two of them get that electric shock again that feeling that goes all through their whole body.

"Until we meet again Anastasia." Thinking to himself he was going to see her again he just had to come up with a plan.

As the elevator doors closed Ana smiles and nods her head at him. She only had time to say two words, "Bye Christian." Thinking there will never be a reason for their paths to cross again not even at graduation.

Christian goes back to his office stopping to tell Andrea to pay for Ana parking and to call Welch for him, "Yes Sir, right away."

Andrea has never seen her boss act in such a way. Like he was a teenage boy chasing his school crush. There's a first time for everything she guesses.

"Sir, I have Welch on the line."

"Thank you, put him through please."

"Mr. Grey what can I do for you?"

"I need everything you can find on a Miss Anastasia Steele ASAP."

"Yes Sir I'll get right on it."

Christian was trying to understand what the hell was wrong with him? Following a female he just met like some puppy dog that is not in his character. Miss Anastasia what are you doing to me? There is something about her, besides her beauty, her voice, her lips even that little giggle of hers. He's only heard it once but it still left him wanting to hear it again. When she said his name, his first name at that sounded sexy as hell he could only imagine what it would sound like  leaving those kissable lips when he had his cock buried deep inside her and she was screaming his name from cumming.

Get a grip he tells himself, your acting like a idiot. Elena would have your balls if she knew the things that was running through your head right now. Just looking at Anastasia he could tell that she was not very sexually experienced. Why that thought made him smile he didn't know. She probably doesn't have a clue about bdsm let alone be involved in the life style.

I can't help myself I need to know her. Picking up his phone, "Yes, Sir."

"Andrea cancel my table at Mile's High." Without waiting for a reply he hangs up. Christian then picks up his cell and texts Elena letting her know he will have to reschedule.

*Elena- Christian my pet why no dinner tonight I have a great girl for you

*Christian- Just busy something came up

*Elena- I'm always saying u work to hard pet lets meet when you have time 💋💋

*Christian- Ya I'll let u know


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