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It was 10 o'clock the end of the night for Ana who happen to be extremely tired. All to happy to be calling it quits for the night. On her way out Paul stops her asking if they could talk.

"Ana, we've known each other almost four years and every time I have asked you out you told me it would be wrong because you work for my brother. Now your graduating and moving. I would like to know if you could consider it?"

Wow, Ana really didn't know what to say. She felt bad every time she turned him down. Going out for something to eat or something like a movie should be okay.

"Sure after graduation and I get settled why not."

Paul couldn't believe his luck he has been asking her out felt like forever, finally he gets a yes. He would have to wait but it's worth it in his mind.

"Would you like me to walk you out?"

"Thanks,but it's okay my car is right in front but I'll see you Sunday."

Making her way out the store she was hoping that maybe he would meet someone and forget all about asking her out. It's not that he's not a good looking guy because he is but she wasn't sexually attracted to him. For some reason he just wasn't getting the hint that she didn't look at him like that. Mr. Christian Grey on the other hand, had her feeling and craving things she never have in her whole life. Pulling up to her apartment Ana was finally able to collapse on her couch and exhale.

Kate enters the living room hearing the front door opening, "Hey Ana I finished my article you want to read it?"

"Oh my gosh thanks for saying that I almost forgot. Guess who popped up in my store today?"


"The one and only Christian Grey."

Kate almost spit out her soda, "Are you serious? Now do you see how much this man is like really after you?"

"I don't know why he would be, but any way I told him how good your article was coming out to be. I also told him that you wish you could have an updated picture. He gave his number and suggested that if you could get a photographer he's willing to take a few shots."

"Yes! Oh my gosh, first call Jose tell him you need his help. You know he will drop whatever for you.Then call Mr. Mega Bucks and tell him that the photoshoot is on."

"Okay, first stop calling him Mr. Mega Bucks and yes I'll call Jose and ask."

Jose picks up during the first ring, "Hey Ana! what's up?"

"Hi Jose I got you on speaker, Kate wants to know if you wouldn't mind doing her a big favor? You know the interview with Christian Grey was done but she needs some pictures taken and he is only available tomorrow."

Jose did have something to do late that afternoon but when it came to Ana it was hard for him to say no.

"Well as long as were done by 2 I can do it."

Kate had a huge smile on her face and mouthed to Ana, 'told you'.

Ana shook her head at Kate thanked Jose and ended the call.

"Okay now for the most important call Mr. Mega Bucks, call him."

"Stop calling him that." Taking out his card, Ana calls Christian.

Kate giggles, "Awww....Look at you already taking up for your man."

"Kate, Shut up."


What the fuck? Am I really sitting in my hotel room waiting for a phone call. What I should be doing is calling Elena because what I really need is a good fuck.

Just as Christian was thinking about giving up his cell rings and in his deep and forever sexy voice, "Anastasia, I was beginning to think you forgot about me."

"How can anyone forget you Mr. Grey."

"Oh so were back to using Mr. Grey now, what happen to Christian? I love hearing you say my name."

There was silence, Ana didn't know what to say after that. She was to busy thinking, is this Greek God of a man really flirting with me? I have never been so turned on by a man in my life.

"Speechless Miss Anastasia Steele I didn't think it was possible. So are we on for tomorrow?"

Ana finally snaps out of it hearing his question, "Yes we are all set. Is 9 o'clock okay with you?"

"It's perfect, you will be there right?"

"Yes, I'll be there."

"Good so I'll see you tomorrow morning at 9 sharp. Have a goodnight my Anastasia."

Did he just say my Anastasia? It had to be mistake, "Goodnight Christian."

Just going back and forth with her for few minutes on the phone made his day. He had to call Taylor to let him know that there will be a change in plans. "Taylor change of plans were not leaving at 8 in the morning I had something that just came up and I'll be meeting with Anastasia Steele at 9."

"Okay Sir."

What am I doing? Playing with fire blindfolded it feels like.

As Christian puts on his blue and white stripe pajama bottoms and lies down he comes up with a plan to get to know Anastasia better.

After the photoshoot since I don't do the BS dating and dinner crap, maybe I can just ask her out for some coffee and we can talk. I need to get inside her head some how. See how innocent she really is. I just hope she has submissive potential. The things I would love to teach and do to that body of hers. She looked good during the meeting but today in those fitted jeans and t-shirt, I was able to see that Ana had an amazing body. Long legs, thick thighs, perfect breast and her fucking lips. I so want mines to know the feel of hers.

Just thinking about this was turning him on and he has not had sex in months. He couldn't help what he was about to do, fuck what Elena would think. As his cock got harder more images popped up in his mind mainly of Ana on her knees with her arms tied behind her back. Wrapping his hand around his rock hard member slowly moving it up and down. He pictures himself standing in front of Ana stroking his cock as she eyes him full of desire just to have a taste. Which he to eager to oblige. Sticking her tongue out, he bounces his cock on it and she licks the pre-cum off the tip before finally taking it in her mouth. No hands just Ana's beautiful mouth, begins to suck his cock deeper and deeper, as Christian's imagination runs wild he jerks off even faster. Picturing Ana taking all of his manhood in her mouth gagging as it hits the back of her throat, as he finally cums her name Anastasia leaves his lips.

Christian grabs some tissue cleans himself up and turns on his side feeling some what relieved and ready to try and get some sleep. Excited for the day ahead of him, hopefully what he just pictured in his head will soon be a reality.

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