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It was after midnight and everyone had fallen asleep, Kate being a light sleeper is woken up by loud knocking on their door. Sleepy and pissed off she goes to answer, surprised to see Christian at their door.

Looking at him like he has two heads she ask, "Do you know what time it is? What the hell are you doing here?"

Christian was over Kate and walks right pass her about to ask where his Ana was, but stops in his tracks once in the living room find her and Jose asleep on the floor.

Growling he says, "What the fuck is going on here?"  Bending down pulling Jose by the arm waking him up, which caused Ana's head to fall back to the pillow also startling her awake as well.

Looking up Anastasia thinks for a moment she's dreaming before realizing, no Christian was really standing there.

"Christian!? What the heck are you doing here?"

Kate walks up and respond instead. "That's what I asked him when I answered the door."

Hearing all the commotion Elliott comes out. "Bro? What the hell man?"

Christian didn't have the time or patience to deal with all of them, he was there for one reason only and that was Ana.

"Look I'm not here for all this, I'm here because you Ana needed to hang up on me to lay down with this motherfucker. I'm not having that."

Jose speaks up this time, "Man once again you got it wrong. I didn't finish setting up the bed we fell asleep here watching TV."

"Ya sure whatever get the fuck out."

"What!? Christian you can't kick anyone out this not your house." Ana tells him stepping in front of Jose.

"Really Ana you do know who you're talking to right?"

Elliott decided to chime in, but was cut short by Christian.

"Again Elliott shut the fuck up, stay out of this. Ana since there is no bed setup, you can go get the car and we take the drive back to my place or I stay here and become more unstable. Which would you prefer?"

Ana knew he wasn't kidding so she just turned to everyone and told them it was fine and she'd call them later.

Turning back to Christian more angry than she think she has ever been in her whole life she tells him to come on.

"You all have a goodnight. Oh, and  Jose on your best day your still not as good as me on my worst. Anastasia is mine, next time don't wait four years."

"Christian let's go! Now!"

"I'm coming baby." He says walking backwards towards the front door, closing it behind him. He didn't give a shit how mad she was as long as she was with him in his bed.

With only the three of them left all they did was look at each other before Kate broke the silence. "Elliott what the fuck is wrong with your brother?"

"I don't know. I told you this is my family first time seeing him with a chick, but don't worry I know for a fact he won't hurt Ana."

Jose didn't know what to say, he just told them he was heading out. "I'm a go, but Kate like Elliott said no worries. The way Christian is acting I know for a fact my four years will pay off."
Christian wakes up with a smile on his face seeing and feeling his arms was wrapped around Ana. Trying to move without waking her he sees there was no need, she was already awake.

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