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Ana finally makes it home after a busy day, falling on the couch giving her muscles some rest.

Kate was in her bedroom packing for her family vacation to the Bahamas. She couldn't wait to tell Ana that Elliott will be going with her.

"Hey Ana Banana, you look like you've just ran a marathon."

"Because, in a way today was a marathon for me and to top it off I came in first place."

"Really? So I'm guessing that your second day of auditions went better then the first?"

"Yup. I got my dancers, now we just have to work on a routine. The bonus of my day was when I had to end class early because I got a call back from one of the publishing places. I was only offered a assistant job but at least I will have my foot in the door."

"Wow, looks like everything is coming up smelling like roses for you MS. Anastasia Rose Steele."

"I know right. So what about you? Are you ready for the Bahamas?"

"Yes, I just finished up my packing and guess what? Elliott is coming with me."

"Really, wow that is a big step, I'm happy for you two. Just so you know by the time you come back I will most likely be in my own place. So tell your brother Ethan he can move in any time."

"So your really going to move into your own place?"

"Yes, Kate I am not trying to live out of a box and sleep on a couch. I'm done living the college life. Now I do have to get dress because Paul will be here in a little while."


Sitting on his jet with his VP Ros, Christian couldn't be happier to be going home a day early. Flynn is back but before going to see him he had to make a stop at Ana's of course. He knows she will be surprise to see him not only was he back a day early but she wouldn't be expecting him until Friday night. This is why he needed to talk to Flynn, he wanted to talk about changing maybe throwing out the stupid contracts and just having a relationship with Ana. He knew going without seeing or speaking to her for days at a time is becoming an impossible task. He hates that Ana think the contract is what defines what they are.

Saying goodbye to Ros Christian sees Taylor waiting for him of course, "Sir, home early. I take it business went well?"

"Yes it actually went better then expected, we didn't have to fire anyone but we did have to let the previous owner go. But he received a nice buy out and Sawyer did a good job as well. That doesn't mean I'm going to make it a habit of leaving you at home base but if you had something important to take care of I see he up for the job. You know who I need to see before we talk business of everything you found."

"Sir, Ms. Steele is not home at the moment."

"Fine. Then take me to where she is."

"Sir, the thing is...."

"Taylor, where is Ana?"

Fuck, Taylor seen this situation going only one way, "Sir, Ms. Steele is having dinner with a friend."

"A friend, well take to where her and this 'friend' is having dinner. Now."


"I get it Ana, you are in love with a guy who you feel likes you deeply just not in the same way you do."

Smiling back at Paul, "Yes, that's just about right."

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