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It is the morning of the shoot and Ana and Kate is packing up both their cars with the help of Jose and another friend Matthew.

"So Ana are you ready for this? Knowing the lustful thoughts going on between the two of you?"

Jose could help but over hear Kate's comment and wanted to know what she meant by it. Seeing Ana going back inside to get something he seize the moment to ask Kate what she was talking about.

"Kate what did you mean by that? Is Ana seeing the person were going to take pictures of?"

It was the last thing Kate wanted to do, break Jose heart. She had to come up with a way to tell him but at the same time sugar coat it.

"Their not dating but he is attracted to her. Ana on the other hand as always, is blind by what is right in front of her face."

"Ya, I know the feeling." He says before walking away to finish packing up his equipment.


Coming in from his early morning run Christian tells Taylor that he's going to take a shower. Then after breakfast it should be time for him to meet up with Anastasia and her friends.

"Yes Sir, I'll let you know when they have arrive. We have already done a security sweep on the place they will be setting up in downstairs."

Leaving going back to his room Taylor keep thinking about how this woman Anastasia has changed his boss and not just his demeanor, his attitude as well. He was starting to love this girl and never has even met her. For the first time in the many years he has worked for Christian, he finally see him acting his age. Going after a woman he likes without that bitch pedophile Elena being involved. He just hopes he doesn't mess up, it's understanding some people like a little kinky sex in their lives. He himself may indulge in it from time to time with Gail. Not the hardcore stuff his boss is into of course, and he see nothing wrong in that. He just wished Christian would open up more to a woman. At the same time see how great it is to be in a relationship and in love. It's just sad due to his pass and negative influences he doesn't think that love is a possibility. Just maybe this girl can show him other wise.


Kate sees Matthew putting a chair out, "What's up with the chair? I want him standing."

"Ya, I know that. I'm just going to take a couple with him sitting."

Everyone turns when they hear the door open. At first they only saw a tall Military looking man Ana thought maybe he was a bodyguard or something. Holding the door open Christian graces everyone with his presents with a actual smile on his face while still looking the ever so master of his universe.

The first thing Christian does when entering the room is look for his only reason for agreeing to do something he has always turned down. His beautiful Anastasia, who he spots talking to some guy he was guessing was the photographer. Since he was holding the camera. The one thing that seem to piss him off was the way he was looking at her, he had eyes full of admiration and love.


Ana turns and is met with those blue eyes that has been haunting her dreams for the past week.

"So we meet again Anastasia...."

As he eyes her from head to toe admiring and loving the sculpture masterpiece in front of him. He then looks back at the guy who seems to be looking at her the same.

Christian sticks out his hand to greet him, "Christian Grey, and you are?"

Jose wasn't that ignorant to fact to see Christian was trying to show authority and dominance, "Jose Rodriguez, I'll be taking your photos today. If you would come and have a sit we can get started."

Smirking back at him Christian turns to Ana, "Ana I'd love once we were done if we could get a coffee? Think about it while I go take a few pictures."

Looking between both guys feeling very awkward Ana tells him okay then leaves, "I'm going back and hangout with Kate until your done."

Ana knew to prepare herself for the load Kate was about drop and let go. Seeing the smile on her face she knew it was coming.

"Kate wipe the smirk off your face and pay attention to your shoot."

"Believe me I'm paying attention and if you think that we are not about to converse about the scene that just played out. You must be out of your mind. Christian just stake claim to you on the DL when he stepped to Jose like that."

"Kate stop reading into things nothing happened they just greeted each other.

"He did ask me out for coffee."

Kate couldn't help but laugh, "So were going to slide on through that last part but okay. Ana, just be careful with him."

"Really your saying that to me when just two minutes ago you were cheering me on when it came to Christian."

"No I said you can tell that he wants you and I was right but I also feel like there is something about him that I can't put my finger on. I don't want to see you hurt so be careful. You can tell he's only here because of you, he hasn't taken his eyes off you this whole time."

Anastasia did notice it but only because she hasn't taken her eyes off him. Staring at him with the same intense gaze.

The photoshoot has finally come to an end with everyone packing up their equipment to leave.

Christian removes his tie and as he approaches the door he stops and turns back to Ana, "So Anastasia am I leaving alone?"

Ana looking at Christian then back at Jose, hurting him was the last thing she wanted to do. Biting the corner of her bottom lip she couldn't help the feelings she was having for Christian. Feelings she never had for Jose she mouth the word 'sorry' to him turning back to Christian.

"No you will not, I'm right behind you."

Jose could do nothing but watch the woman he has wanted for years walk out the door with another man.


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