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"Miss Anastasia Rose Steele."

As Anastasia approaches the stage she's aware it's Christian that is handing out the diplomas.

As she reaches out to take hers, he takes her hand but doesn't let go.

Christian is aware this is very public but even through the smile on his face he just couldn't help himself.

Whispering, "Ana, what happened to the phone call last night?"

"Christian, as you can see this is not the place for this conversation. I told Kate to tell you we would talk in the back after this, okay?"

"Fine, you better."

Christian collects himself smiles, congratulates Ana and let's her go knowing he had some choice word for his girl later.
Ana sees Christian back stage and goes to talk to him before he left, "Dad I'll be right back."

Walking to the back she signals for him to meet her in the empty locker room.

Coming in behind her Christian locks the door and within seconds he grabs Ana pulling her into a hug taking in her scent. He didn't understand what the hell was wrong with him or where this need to be with Ana was coming from. His emotions was all over the place and he couldn't believe he was willing to cause a scene like that, he knew he needed to talk to Flynn. He couldn't wait until he got back from his vacation he needed a cure, an antidote for whatever inflection he had going on with him right now.

"Ana, did you forget something last night?"

"Yes I did, I told Kate to explain what happen."

"Well she didn't she just said you would talk to me later."

Sighing, "When I got to work the store was packed and once I got busy it slipped my mind to call you. Employees are not allowed to have their cell while on the floor, so when I did get home I had to call my mom. She left me some stupid voicemail saying that Bob was in a terrible accident. So I call her thinking he was dying or something when really he twisted an ankle playing golf. She wanted to let me know that they wouldn't be attending my graduation because she had to care for him. I was upset and exhausted, before I knew it I fell asleep and I'm sorry."

Christian was just happy to see her and to be holding her he forgot he was mad, "I'm sorry about your mom and about my action when you didn't call me. Hearing why you didn't call means no punishments this weekend just pleasure."

Ana just shook head, "Okay, So I need to get back to my dad and his new girlfriend. I promise not to forget to call you Friday."

"Ana! Wait aren't you going to introduce me to your father?"

"Christian your so confusing, you told me when in public were suppose to be almost strangers now you want me to introduce you to my father? I just don't think that would be a good idea maybe next time."

Christian gave Ana a kiss and just let her assume he was okay with everything when he was beyond pissed.

"Can I come by when you get back home? I have a gift for you and it can't wait until Friday."

"Okay when we get back from dinner I'll call I promise and you can come by. Kate, believe it or not will be with your brother so she won't be home until late tonight."

"My brother?"

"Yup, their dating apparently."

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