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Readying herself for work it's Friday, so she knew it would be a night of counting inventory and checking on things that needed to be restocked. Jeans and just a plain t-shirt are always prefect for the kind of day that was ahead of her. Grabbing everything she needed including one of her favorite books 'The Lucky One', by Nicholas Sparks and heads out.

Kate couldn't help but stare at Ana when she came out her bedroom, "Ana are you seriously going to ignore the fact that Christian Grey...."

She walks over to pull out her laptop, "Look at this Greek God statue of a man and he is looking at you like a piece of candy he wants to eat."

"Kate I do not know what you are talking about. How would you even know if he was looking at me in any kind of way. You weren't even there."

Kate couldn't believe how Ana was so oblivious to the facts that the most eligible bachelor in Seattle wanted a shot at popping that big 'V'.

"Hello Ana, you recorded your interview and you never turn it off. Not even after you walked out of his office, you keep it on even when you were in class. The only reason it stopped is because it ran out of tape. I'm only shocked because you weren't even showing off that shape you know you have. Like Ana you had everything covered but he still wanted you girl. You must have cast a spell on him."

Rolling her eyes at Kate's statement, "First you do not have to always wear something skin tight and short to attract a man. Second there was nothing wrong with what I was wearing it was cute. Third me and Christian are not in the same walks of life. Besides me maybe getting a glimpse of him at graduation our paths will never cross again."

Kate finally let it go she knew trying to get her to see certain things was like beating a dead horse.

So she changed the subject, "Fine Ana ignore it like you always do."

That comment felt like a sucker punch in the face even though it wasn't meant for her to hear.

"So what is that suppose to mean?"

Fuck she didn't mean to say that out loud, "I didn't mean any harm by that, it's just there are things you pay no attention to. Like the fact that Jose is more then just attracted to you. I feel that he's actually in love with you."

"Jose and I are just friends he doesn't have those feelings for me. If he did he would've said something years ago."

"So if he asked you out your answer would be yes?"

When her and Jose first met she was very attracted to him, he is a very attractive man. That kind of move now could ruin their friendship she has come to depend on. Ana would never want to lose him as a friend.

"Honestly I would say no and not because I'm afraid of men I just don't want to lose him as a confidant. Now even though I'm loving this conversation, I need to get to work before I'm late."


The back ground check on the ever elusive Anastasia Steele didn't give him really anything but the basics. So he didn't get his main questions answered. Does she have a boyfriend? What kind of sex is she into?

He tried everything he could to stop from thinking of her. Even going to one of favorite BDSM clubs, but for the first time found he was unable to preform out any scene. His needs of giving her not only mind blowing sex but to know her, overwhelmed his logic. Here he is parked outside Clayton's thinking to himself, what the hell am I going to even say to her?

Fuck it, I'm just going to wing it because the craving I have for her is a feeling that only can be resolved by Ana. She has become his own personal drug, like heroin.

Walking into the store he sees his girl at the cash register reading something on a clip broad, she doesn't know he's here yet. That gave Christian time to stare and admire the beautiful woman in front of him.


Anastasia looks up and gets the surprise of her life. She was met with the blue orbs of none other then Mr. Christian Grey. What the hell?

Trying to collect her thoughts she finally opens her mouth, "Mr. Grey, what a surprise to see you in a place like this. Is there something I can get for you or help you with?"

Smirking finding her nervousness cute, "I was in the need of a few things and was passing by, when I saw this place and stop here. I'm just as surprise to see you as it appears you are to see me."

Smiling with a little giggle, "It's just that you don't seem like the DIY kind of guy."

"Do you know how beautiful that sound is?"

Ana was a tiny confused, "What sound?"

"Your giggle, the sound of your laughter."

She didn't know what to say about that but her shy ways did take center stage until their silence was broken by nonother then Paul. He is the younger brother of the owner of Clayton's.


Her and Christian turn to the direction of her named being called. Christian is not to thrilled, Ana on the other hand has a big smile on her face.

"Paul, hey what are you doing here?"

Christian watching the exchange was not getting good vibes from who ever the fucker is. Thinking at the moment it didn't even matter. All that mattered was that who ever this Paul is, he needed to remove his hands or he would do it for him.

"Paul! Put me down, can't you see we have a customer?"

Putting her down he apologizes, "My bad sorry Sir, I just haven't seen her in awhile. Ana can we talk tonight before you leave I just wanted to ask you something."

"Sure, no problem."

"Sorry Mr. Grey, how about you tell me what your looking for and I will see to that you find exactly what it is your looking for."

Trying to cover up the fact he was not only piss but feeling something he wasn't ready to admit, which was jealously. He didn't like the idea of another man touching her, he needed to leave so he could get his emotions in check.

"I'm running late for a meeting so I'll just take some cable ties for right now."

"You stop here just for cable ties?"

"No, not actually but it will have to do for the moment. How is the paper coming along?"

"Okay I guess. I'm not writing it Kate is. She said it was going good you answered all her questions even the embarrassing gay one. She did wish there was a updated picture of you."

"Really well if you had some free time tomorrow and a photographer, I wouldn't mind helping you out in that way."

"Seriously? Kate would die for that."

"No need to go that far."

His comment made Ana laugh, something he's come to love to hear as well as be the cause of.

"Yes it's no big deal, just give me a call later tonight after you two talk, and get plans setup."

Christian hands her his card, "My personal cell number is in the back. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you Anastasia."

Watching as he walked away Ana mind was all over the place she wasn't that naïve. She really didn't think that he was just 'in the neighborhood', but why was he really here? She couldn't wait to tell Kate when she got home.


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