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Walking down the hall Christian asked the question that has been bugging him all morning, "So you and Jose, have you two every been together?"

"Jose and I are just friends I see him more like a brother. Having a intimate relationship would just ruin that."

"So you have no feelings of want when it comes to him?"

"No, but I do know he may carry some feeling for me and I don't have it in me to hurt him."

"Good to know." Christian couldn't believe how relived he felt hearing her say that, taking her hand into his as they enter the elevator. The doors closed and right away you could feel the electricity between the two the wanting and need, the lust is so thick in this small space you could taste it. Christian breathing began to get heavier as he prayed for the doors to open soon before he did something he shouldn't.

Finally able to walk out he breath a sigh of relief still holding Ana's hand such a simple thing but at the same time another first for him.

"There's a nice coffee shop up at the next corner we could walk if that's okay with you?"

"It's fine, I'm guessing you know your friend has been following us every since we got off the elevator?"

"Yes, that's just Taylor my head of security you can just think of him as my shadow, even when you don't see him he's there."

Standing in line Christian asked what she would like before telling her he'll take care of the order while she find themselves a table to sit at.

"Okay I take an original blend with 6 sugars and hazelnut cream."

Finding them a table the two are finally sitting alone face to face Christian couldn't wait to pick her brain.

"So Miss Anastasia can you tell me about yourself?"

"Still like before there not much to tell but okay. I'm the only child of Carla Steele who lives in Georgia and Raymond Steele who lives in Montesano. He is not my biological father but is the only father I've ever known."

"Your parents their not together?"

"No my mother you can say gets bored very quickly and before you know it she's moved on to husband number three then four. No matter who else she was with Ray will always be my dad. He cared for me actually still does I wouldn't be here without him."

Christian can since that there's a back story there but won't pry especially now at a coffee shop.

"So when was last relationship?"

"Wow, well actually I've never been in a real relationship. I mean I do date but I haven't met anyone that have quench my thirst you can say."

"You sure do have a way with words and I have to admit I like it, and also find that I love the fact that you haven't truly been with someone. So tell me do you think I can relieve your thirst?"


Smirking knowing she said his name like that on purpose, "Ana, for a woman who haven't dealt with a lot of guys you sure do know how to seduce. My question was what about me? Do you think I have it in me to quench your thirst?"

"Yes Sir, I can honestly say you have made me feel things no man has and I actually like it. I would love to see where this could go."

Fuck now she using Sir if only she was my submissive right now I would take her in from behind right now and not give a fuck who sees.

"Do you believe in the whole love birds, dinner and movie love making exclusive relationship thing?" Please say no, please no....

"Of course, but doesn't most women at a certain point want the same thing. I mean you can have fun but eventually that will become a bore and lonely."

"Fuck my wishful thinking." Christian thinks to himself out loud.

Ana sees the change in Christian's attitude and can't help but wonder what did she say wrong? She gets her answer when he stands up abruptly, "We need to go."

"What? Why?"

Christian takes her hand pulling her through the crowd as they near the curb he stops to wait for the light. Still wasn't long enough for Ana to say something, he walks her to the parking lot finally coming to a halt not knowing which car is hers.

"Ana, look I'm sorry but I'm just not that guy. Love and fairy tales are all just BS to me and you with all that knowledge still believe in the Cinderella stories. As much as I want you, there is no way we will work out."

Ana looking into eyes of a man she thought she was really getting to know but think again. "So I'm naïve that's what your trying to tell me. Me believing in love, me thinking that I deserve to be cherished is just nonsense. Well Mr. Christian Grey I would say it was nice knowing you but now for some reason I don't feel that way. I will say enjoy that lonely island of yours because I damn sure am going to enjoy being surrounded by love ones and friends and hopefully a man a real one not some counterfeit, that will give me everything I desire."

As Anastasia walks away Christian following behind her so she stops at her car causing Christian to look in shock.

"This is what you drive? I could get you a safer and better car then this?"

"Christian my car is fine, I brought it with my own hard earned money from Jose it use to be his moms. Now if you would excuse me I'm going to go back to my life and you can go back to yours. There is no reason for us to ever see each other again."

Her harsh words are cutting him like a knife she really wants nothing to do with him not even a friend. But then again why should you care, Christian thinks to himself. You don't do the friend thing any way. "We will still see each other at graduation so our paths will cross again."

"Yes for like two seconds, Goodbye Mr. Grey."

Ana gets into her car and drive off not even giving him a backwards glance. Christian storms back to his room fuming and pissed at himself, so much Taylor had to ask if he was okay?

"I'm fine it's just women or should I say Anastasia mainly. She basically told me to go fuck myself, all because I told her love was as real as the fairytale books she read."

Taylor knew he was going to fuck it up but not this fast.

"Then to top it off after seeing the piece of shit she was driving I offered to buy her a new car she turned me down what kind of smart woman would do that?"

All Taylor could do is shake his head, "Any woman that can't be brought feels the same way as she does Sir."

"Get this, that piece of crap car she got was from Jose another guy that happen to want what's mine. Fuck, Taylor don't say a word just take me the club you know which one I need to release some stress.



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