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"Do you always stare at men while their asleep?" Smiling opening his eyes thinking he was about to see Ana looking at him but to his surprise there wasn't anyone in the bed with him. He let it go thinking it must have been just his imagination. Again for the second time in what he thinks is like forever, Christian wakes up from one of the best sleeps he has experienced. Thinking Ana truly was his angel, his light, she brings him a peace that he hasn't felt since the day he met Grace.

Waking up it was like deja vu, the first night him and Anastasia spend together. He woke up that morning and she was gone, now here he was again smelling something mouth watering with Anastasia no where within his reach. So just as before he puts on his pants and walks into the kitchen and finds her cooking up something good.

"I woke up and you were gone, I thought I told you we were going to order out for dinner so you could rest up."

"I know but since you fulfilled your part by giving the experience of a lifetime I wanted to do my part. I just really wanted to cook for you, I hope you like it."

"Well your a great cook so I already know I'm going to love it, the smell alone got me hungry. So what is it that your cooking up for us tonight?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

"Fine, but do you mind if I go get a little work done while I wait?"

"It's fine, you know you don't have to ask me that."

"I just didn't want to be inconsiderate."

"If that the case then your not, I'll let you know when dinner is ready."

Going to his office turning on his laptop, he loved the feeling he was getting, him in his office and Ana in his place doing whatever. If this is what it was like to be in a normal relationship he wanted more. Christian just couldn't believe his luck, he thought maybe God didn't hate him like he thought since he was the one to send Ana to him.

Reading through the dozen emails he had, he calls his mother, "Christian, darling."

"Hi mother, I just wanted you to know that Anastasia and I will be there for family dinner tomorrow."

"Really, we can't wait to meet her."

"Okay mother I am arms deep in paper work so I'm going to let you go."

Going through his emails he sees that there are a few from Elena mostly asking when they were going to get together. He thought if he remembered he would text her later, he felt that it might be time to cut the strings when it came to her. He had a feeling that if he continued to socialize with her it would cause a big rift between him and Ana, which was the last thing he wanted.

Calling Ros, he needed to speak to her about a couple of things.


"Hey Ros, I need you to do me a favor."

"Okay and that will be?"

"First, I need you to look into Elena Lincoln and her business Escalva in the past I have notice some things that wasn't adding up but I could be wrong so I want a second pair of eyes that I trust to take a look."

"Okay, that will not be a problem."

"Good, second have Andrea set up a Monday morning meeting for you and I with Mark Townsend, we need to figure out if were going to try to improve his business or just break it up and sell it."

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