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I wake up the next morning to silence, and the sun peeking through the window. I outstretch my arms above my head and yawn as I pull the blanket off my warm body, folding it neatly and draping it over the couch. I hadn't gone to work in weeks, and I had no motivation to do so any time soon, so I decided that today would be a good day to clean up the house, because it was a complete and utter mess.

I started with the first floor, and then the second, as I carefully cleaned and disinfected the entire house from top to bottom. It took me the entire day to get it cleaned and back to the way it was before, and by the time I finished I was exhausted. I did, however, feel somewhat better having at least one thing in my life put together.

I put away my cleaning supplies, and head for the bathroom in my room to take a shower. Once I step in, I let the warm water wash over me and ease my tense muscles and pounding head. I felt like I was going insane. Something just wasn't making sense, and I couldn't tell anyone about it or else they'd think I'm crazy and send me to a therapist. I just wanted Sebastian. I missed him, I missed being with him and I missed being in his arms.

And then I thought about Anthony and Chris. I missed them too, more than anything. They were my best friends and now they were nothing but strangers. A frown forms on my face as I close the water and step out, grabbing a towel to wrap around my shivering body and my wet hair. I do my shower routine and slip on a warm pair of pyjamas, not in the mood to wear any day clothes. I close the bathroom light and dump the towels and dirty clothes in the washing machine, turning it on as it starts its cycle. With a deep sigh I walk down the stairs and head into the kitchen to make myself supper. It had been an entire month that I've been living alone in such a huge house, and I contemplated selling it many times, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. It was the last thing I had of Sebastian, and the only thing that was actually real from my "dream".

I was in the midst of cooking when the oil in the pan splattered over my hand that was holding onto the handle of the pan. The hot oil slowly burns my skin as I yank my hand back from the stove in pain. I quickly turn off the stove and toss the pan to the other burner in the back as I run my hand under cold water. Momentarily relief is sent throughout my body but is quickly replaced by immense pain. I pull my hand away from the water to see the damage that was done. Having thought it was just a small burn, I was shocked to see how red my hand had become. I didn't think it was severe enough to go to the hospital so I grabbed a pen and drew a line around the burn, and if it grew past the lining of the pen, I'd go to the ER.

My dinner was almost finished when I had burned my hand so I turn the stove back on and place it on low, quickly finishing up my food. My left hand was thumping as I put my food on my plate and brought it to the table. I grab a water bottle from the fridge and sit down. I rest my left hand on the table, as I use my right hand only to function. Once I finish I place the dishes in the dishwasher, not being able to use both my hands to hand wash them. I tiredly walk into the living room and sit on the couch as I try to open the TV, but a spazz in my left hand causes me to drop the remote control on the floor as I let out a yelp.

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