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"Are you sure he'll be okay? We can cancel-". Chris turns towards me and places his hands on my shoulders, "He'll be fine, stop worrying", he shakes his head as he gives my shoulders a light squeeze. I look at Sebastian and then back and Chris, nodding hesitantly. "Okay". But I wasn't convinced.

Luckily we get seated towards the back of the restaurant near the wall, where it is less busy and much more quiet. Sebastian was awake but still seemed to be out of it as he held the menu in his hands. I frown as I reach over and flip the menu around, "It was upside down", I say gently as he looks at me. I turn away before his eyes can bore into mine, not wanting to worry any more than I already am.

"Any idea what you guys are getting?", Anthony asks aloud. I shrug my shoulders as I run my finger up and down the menu. I was very indecisive, and it's a bad habit that had become quite annoying. "Everything on this menu sounds amazing", I whine as I look up. "You've never been here?", Chris asks in shock. I shrug my shoulders, not understanding, "No...why?"

"This is the best restaurant around here. You definitely need to order a few things!", Anthony informs me as I look back down at my menu. The table goes silent as I continue to read the menu, but in actuality I was barely reading anything. My mind kept drifting off to thoughts of Sebastian and if he was okay. I slowly look up and spare a quick glance at him. I frown as I really take in his facial features. His eyes were severely bloodshot and his head kept bobbing up and down as he fought to keep his eyes open. I sigh and close my menu, standing up. The three of them look up at me, startled, but I shake my head. "Sebastian get up, come with me", I tell him as I motion for him to get out of his seat. He looks at me in confusion and so do Anthony and Chris, but I brush it off. "Just get up and come with me, please", I say. By the tone of my voice Sebastian starts to rise from his seat and I give Anthony and Chris a nod, hoping they'd get a hint as to what I was trying to do.

I grab Sebastian's hand as I try and locate a bathroom, and when I do, I'm lucky to see a unisex bathroom. It was a single bathroom so I make Sebastian go in first and I follow after him, locking the door behind me. "Daniella, what are you doing?"

I ignore him as I grab some paper and wet it with cool water, dabbing it on his face. I don't speak as Sebastian's eyes follow my every move very carefully. I place my damp hands on his face and sigh as I feel the intense warmth radiating off it. I grab more paper and dab them on his face. I then wet my hands even more and run them through his disheveled hair, brushing the strands of hair away from his face. "Better?", I ask him.

"Why are you doing this?", he finally says as I pull away from him. Only now do I realize just how close we are. I look up at him and sigh, "What do you mean?"

"I mean why are you doing all of this", he gestures to my wet hands and the curled up, wet papers in the trash. I look back up at him and without hesitation say, "Because I care". I don't wait for a response as I unlock the bathroom door and walk out heading back to our table. I don't say anything to Anthony or Chris as I pick up my menu again and finally decide on what to eat. A few moments later Sebastian sits back down at the table and Anthony and Chris turn their attention towards him, their eyebrows raising in curiosity. The waiter comes to our table and we each give our order. Once the waiter leaves I sit straight and watch the guys. "So? What happened?", Chris asks just as Sebastian's phone begins to ring. I look down at it and my face heats up as I see Kara's name flash on the screen.

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