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"Yes I understand—okay, I understand that Sir, but I just need more time, just a few more days", I beg over the phone. I bounce my leg up and down nervously as I run a hand through my hair. "Please don't do this, just—I'll come back tomorrow!"

I stare down at my phone and click the speakerphone button, my ear becoming irritated. "I'm sorry Daniella, but you've missed three weeks of work. I can't give you anymore days", my boss says. I close my eyes tightly as I bite down on my nail, "Then I'll come back tomorrow, please"

I hear him sigh heavily over the phone, taking a long pause before answering me, "We've had someone replacing you for the past three weeks, and he's done a really good job, I'm sorry Daniella, but you're fired"

"No—wait! Wait just give me a chance—", but before I could finish my sentence the line goes dead. I stare down at my phone in shock as my eyes quickly glaze over with tears. I had just lost my job. I was unemployed. I just needed a few weeks to get my head straight and figure things out, and I was planning on going back soon. "I can't believe he fired me", I whisper to myself as I set down my phone on the coffee table. I place my head in my hands as I let a few tears fall. My life had become a complete mess. Everything and anything was going wrong.

I grab my phone and my house keys, closing the door behind me as I take off down the sidewalk. Maybe a walk would help clear my mind. I pull my sweater closer to my body as I continue to walk as far as my body allows it to. After a good half hour I decided to stop and rest on a nearby bench in the park. I won't lie, today was beautiful. The sun was very prominent and the temperature was just right. I lean back against the bench and close my eyes, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. "Long day?", someone laughs. My eyes shoot open as I place my hand over my eyes to shield me from the sun. "Sebastian?! What are you doing here"

"I just finished filming for today and decided to take a walk, get some fresh air, you know?", he says as he sits down next to me. My mouth instantly gets dry as I watch his every move. "Hey, is everything okay?", he says, noticing my silence. I shake my head and turn away, "It's nothing, it's not that important. What were you filming?"

"Anthony and I have a new show coming out, called The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. And it is important if it's bothering you, what's up?", he says as he fully turns his body so he's facing me. I do the same, not wanting to come off as rude. The sound of Anthony's name makes my heart drop. I missed him so much, and just the thought of never seeing him and not being able to call him a brother like I used to, truly hurts. "Anthony, he seems like a great guy—I mean from what I've seen", I quickly say as I cover up my own slip up. Sebastian smiles and nods, "He really is, he's like a brother to me. So really, what's got you in such a slump?", he pries.

I take a deep sigh, my chest hurting at how hard my intake was. I grip the edge of the bench with my hands and look down at my sneakers to keep me distracted and avoid making myself cry again, which seemed to be something I did a lot lately, and I hated it. "I—I lost my job", I say quietly as I bite down on my lip. Sebastian stays quiet for a moment, and I don't dare to look up at him, but I instantly feel a pair of arms wrapping themselves around me tightly, and comfortingly. "How did it happen?", he asks me carefully. I look up at him, shocked that he didn't apologize like most people would, and in all honesty, it was refreshing to have a different response.

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