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I must have fallen asleep once Anthony and Chris left, because when I woke up again, it was morning. Chris was shaking me awake and I slowly lift my head up from the edge of the bed. I crane my neck to look at him but wince as my neck begins to hurt. "Dani? You fell asleep in the chair", Chris frowns as he takes in my current position. I comb my hair back with my hand as I yawn. My eyes felt heavy and they burned slightly with each blink. "What time did you go to bed?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe one o'clock in the morning?", I inform him as I look back at Sebastian, but realize he's not there. I begin to panic as I stand up, knocking the chair over in the process, "Oh my god where is he? Where did he go?", I ramble as I try and push past Chris. He grabs my hands and holds them against his chest, "Dani? Dani calm down, he's with Anthony down the hall. He's signing his discharge papers". I look into his eyes and immediately calm down, letting my muscles relax. I gently pull my hands out of Chris' grasp and pick up the wooden chair that I had accidentally knocked over. "How is he? Is he okay?", I say, my voice raspy. "He's doing okay, but he's a little out of it"

"Why didn't he wake me up?", I ask him as I grab my sweater and slip it on my cold body. "He didn't want to disturb you. He woke up not too long ago, anyways". I nod my head and grab my phone as I scan the room to make sure we didn't leave anything behind before leaving the room and walking down the hall. I hold in a breath as I reach Anthony and Sebastian. Sebastian was in a different pair of clothes than yesterday, a hoodie and a pair of jogging pants, with a pair of running shoes. He was sitting in a wheelchair, his back facing me. Anthony sends a gentle smile my way and turns the wheelchair towards me, so Sebastian is now facing me.

I frown as I take in his nature. Eyes dark, skin pale, body slumped. I slowly walk closer to him and bend down so I can be at eye level with him, "Seb?", I whisper. His eyes stay trained on his lap, but when I place my hand on his, he raises his head to look at me. His eyes bore into my tired ones. "How are you feeling? Can I get you anything?"

He shakes his head, "Just bring me home", his voice breaks. I nod my head and Anthony begins to wheel Sebastian towards the exit. I follow them out and the sunlight instantly blinds me. I cover my face with my hands as I open the back door. Anthony helps Sebastian out of the wheelchair and places him in the passengers seat. Anthony brings back the wheelchair before slipping into the backseat next to me and closing the door. The car ride back to my house is silent but I don't mind. When Chris pulls into the driveway all three of them get out and follow me into my house. I tell Sebastian that he can rest on my couch while Chris and Anthony motion for me to walk towards them. I bring them into the kitchen and raise my eyebrows at them, "What's up?"

"Anthony and I were talking, and we were wondering if Sebastian could stay with you for a while. We would let him stay at our place but we only have two rooms and they're ours, and we don't feel right having him sleep on the couch. He can't stay at his house right now, it's not a good idea after what happened", Chris starts. I look between the two of them, mouth agape as I try and find something to say but I come up with nothing. "I know you guys haven't gotten to know each other very well and it's usually not natural to have someone you hardly know stay in your house, but we think you guys are starting to become really good friends and we trust you more than anyone right now", Anthony tells me as he looks at me from across the kitchen island.

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