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"I just don't get it!", I hear Sebastian yell from downstairs. My eyebrows furrow as I walk down the steps slowly. I hear him grumble and take a step back. Who could possibly be on the phone? "Kara, I said no!". I freeze on the second to last step and hold my breath. My body goes cold as I hear that name. Kara Huffman. "If this is about the ring then you can have it if it bothers you so much. I'm tired of this, Kara. I've moved on, okay?"

The ring. I remember cleaning the guest bedroom that Sebastian had been occupying since he got here, and how the ring had fallen from his pants, in the box it had originally been in. "Please do me a favour", I hear him say. What favour could he possibly be asking her? "Please delete my number or block it. I don't want you contacting me anymore. I'm done", and with that I hear silence. I wait a few seconds before stomping my feet on the last two steps to make it seem like I was never there. "Is everything okay?", I ask him as I found the corner. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "Kara", he huffs. I purse my lips and balance on the balls of my feet, "Oh"

He walks up to me and holds me in his arms. He doesn't say anything, but he just holds me there, his head resting on top of mine. "There's nothing to worry about. I made it clear to her that I don't want anything to do with her anymore. No association whatsoever"

"Good. I mean, I don't want to be that type of person to critique everything that you do but I know that she wasn't good for you, and it showed. Chris and Anthony knew, too. I'm just happy as long as you're happy, okay?", I tell him, my words come out somewhat muffled against his chest, but when he nods his head on top of mine I know that he heard me. "You know, some people may think it's too early for me to tell you that I love you, when I've only know you for three months or so, but I don't believe there's a right time to fall in love. It just happens. You can't put a time stamp on something so special. It's never too soon to fall in love, because when you know, you know", he finishes.

I pull away from him enough to see his face and smile. "You're a real softie, aren't you?". He shakes his head, "I'm over here trying to sound sentimental and wearing my heart out on my sleeve and you still find a way to make fun of me", he says but a smile lingers on his lips that indicates he's just as happy as I am. "Not making fun", I say, "Simply admiring", I kiss his cheek and pull away from him. "I want to have Chris and Anthony over for supper. Would you like that?"

"Are we going to tell them, you know?", he lifts his eyebrows at me and I stifle a laugh. "You never formally asked me, you know", I say as I put my hand on my hip. His eyes widen and he walks in front of me, getting down on one knee. "Woah, I didn't mean that!". He shakes his head and laughs before grabbing my hand, "That's not what I was doing, Dani! At least not yet. Daniella, will you be my girlfriend...officially?"

I don't think my smile could get any bigger as the muscles in my face begin to hurt, "I will". He picks me up dramatically and spins me around, but because Sebastian and I are two of the most unbalanced people there ever was, we stumble to the floor and I have to hold onto his arms to steady myself as everything around me spins. "Let's avoid the spinning part, yeah?", I wheeze as I look at him from the floor. We both start laughing at each other and I pull his shirt towards me so his lips meet mine.

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