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When I wake up the next morning I feel a muscular arm holding me and for a moment I panic. I look beside me and see Sebastian sleeping peacefully. I smile to myself and lay back down on my pillow as I close my eyes, enjoying every second I had with Sebastian right now.

I had the nagging fear that I'd wake up and he'd be gone, just like the last time, and losing him was something I never wanted to happen. I feel Sebastian's arms tighten around me and it's when I turn around to look at him that I realize I'm crying. His eyes bore into my own and he wipes away my tears as I nestle my head into the crook of his neck. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise", he whispers as he kisses the top of my head. "How did you know?", I ask him quietly. "I just do. You can relax, Dani. I'm as every bit as real as you are, okay?"

I nod my head and close my eyes as he places feather like kisses all over my face. "Let's go make breakfast", he says as he pulls the blankets off. I groan as he rounds the bed, knowing full well he was going to pick me up. "It's cold", I say as he slips his arms under me. He lifts me up with ease and makes his way down the stairs as I cling to him. "Here", he smiles as he hands me his hoodie. I look at him for a second and he nods his head, encouraging me to put it on. I slip it over my head and instantly get a sent of Sebastian's cologne mixed with his natural scent.

If it weren't for the couch behind me, I would've fallen to the floor. The hoodie hangs on me like a dress, and it is almost twice my size, but I feel warm and comfortable, but most of all, I feel safe. "I hope you know you're never getting this back", I tell him as I sit on the bar stool. He shakes his head with a laugh as he brushes a hand through his messy hair, "Why doesn't that surprise me"

"I may just steal a few more when you're not looking", I add as he walks up to me. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead, "I don't mind, you look good in my clothes". I kiss the tip of his nose and jump off the stool to make coffee for the both of us. "I take two sugars-", Sebastian starts to say but I cut him off as I place my finger on his soft lips. "Yes, I know. Two sugars, milk, and a shot of cream"

"Maybe you know more about me than I thought", he says as he opens the fridge. "It's not like you've been living here for more than two months", I comment sarcastically as he places the pancake batter on the island. "Like you haven't enjoyed me staying here", he answers me back. I bump his hip with my own and let out a laugh, "I've enjoyed every minute", and this time, my voice isn't playful. He leans down to kiss me and I smile, "I don't think I've ever been this happy", I tell him truthfully"

"Really?", he asks me with a little bit of shock. I nod my head and place the coffee cups on the table. "It's true. The past year has been a very challenging one, but the end result makes it all worth it". He looks at me and sets down the mixing bowl, "And what's that? The end result, I mean"

I look down at my hands as I feel a tinge of pink coat my face, "You", I whisper, but he hears me. He's beside me within seconds and he gently lifts my chin up with his finger. "Daniella, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I mean that". I swat his hand away and kiss him, passionately and with hunger for more. "I love you, I love you, I love you", I say breathlessly as I lean my forehead against his. He's about to answer me when I hear the smoke alarm go off. I turn to look at the stove and see a burnt pancake. "Seb! You burnt the pancake", I cry as he goes to remove it. I turn the smoke alarm off and swat the smoke away from my face as I smell the burnt pancake.

"I was distracted!", he defends himself. I raise my eyebrows at him and let out a laugh as I watch his face turn red, "Sorry", I mutter as I walk up to the stove. He bumps my hip this time and I almost lose my balance, but he grips onto my waist. "I gently pushed you, you attacked me", I joke with him as I start frying the bacon. "You're so dramatic, I barely touched you"


"How about we go out for supper tonight, to make it up to you, for not attacking you", he smiles smuggly at me as I squint my eyes at him, "Fine!". We stay in silence as we finish making breakfast before bringing it to the table to eat. "I think you make the best pancakes I've ever tasted", I say as I chew on a piece of pancake. "They're not that good"

"Are you kidding me? They're so fluffy and soft, it's like eating a cloud, and then you get the syrup and then with the fruit on top, it's beautiful!", I gush as I take another bite. Sebastian eyes me carefully and I shrug my shoulders. "I don't think I've ever seen someone speak so passionately about food"

"Food is art to me, and so are you, I mean, two snacks right there", I say as I drink my coffee. Sebastian begins to choke on his bacon and I have to stand up to massage his back as he calms down. "Are you okay?"

"Could you not say stuff like that when I'm eating? I'd rather not die while eating my bacon", he coughs as he rubs his chest. I wrap my arms around him and kiss the back of his head, "Sorry, I can't help what I say". He hums and it vibrates through my body as I lean against his back. "Today, I want us to just relax and be with each other, okay? We can order in instead of going out to eat for supper", he says as he looks at me. I nod my head with a small smile and close my eyes, leaning my head on his chest now that he's turned around. "Life has a funny way of going about things, doesn't it?", I ask him as I look up at him. He kisses the top of my head and nods, "But everything seems to work out fine in the end, doesn't it?"

I step back and recall what the past year has looked like for me, and how even just a month ago, I would have never considered being in the position that I am in now. "Yeah, it does", my smile, this time, reaches my eyes and I feel lighter than I did before. I feel free. I feel happy. I feel like myself.

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