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"Okay so I've come to the indefinite conclusion that it's okay to have ice cream for breakfast", I say to the girl at the cash. She looks at her watch and laughs, "I've worked here for two years now, and this is the first time I've seen someone buying ice cream at eight o'clock in the morning". I smile at her as she rings up my items. She couldn't have been no older than eighteen. "But who's to say I would be eating it now? I could just be an early grocery shopper", I joke as I raise my eyebrows at her. She shakes her head and places my things in my bag but I stop her. "I'll do it, I'm sure you have a long day ahead of you", I smile as I grab one of the items from her hands. I fill up my bags and pay her. As I leave she calls out for me, abandoning her register and slowly jogging towards me, "You gave me ten extra dollars", she says as she hands me back my money.

I smile at her, seeing a younger version of myself in her, working countless of hours part-time and going to school during the week. It was stressful and exhausting. I place my bags down and close her hand around the money, slowly pushing her hand close to her chest, "Keep it", I smile picking up my bags and walking out of the store. I'm sure she'd benefit from the ten dollars far more than I would, and who knows, maybe those ten dollars could make a huge difference in her life.

I've always been a firm believer of spreading kindness everywhere you go, especially nowadays, to remind people that there still is kindness out there. I feel happy knowing I probably helped one person in more ways than one. Maybe she could use it to treat herself and buy lunch, or maybe she can keep it, guard it and stash it away somewhere where she can add more money overtime and save for something important or worth spending on.

I load my bags into my car and shut the trunk as I get inside, driving back home to a house that was way bigger than needed for one single person like me. I pull into the driveway and my hearts stops as I see someone waiting at my door. They're knocking on the door and I instinctively duck, so that whoever it is can't see me. My first thought is that it's an intruder. Someone trying to break in and steal something of mine. I lower my seat slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible, but it seems like luck isn't on my side as the seat fully slams down, eliciting a sound unlike any other. I curse under my breath, not only because I made more noise than anticipated, but also because of the impact of the seat going all the way back instead of slowly like I had originally planned.

I grip my head in my hands as I instantly feel a headache making its way to the surface. My arm throbs in pain, the impact of the seat moving backwards having made my arms reach out instinctively and hitting the side of the door. Whoever was at my door was now very much alerted and aware that someone was in the car, as I see a shadow cascade over my window and into my car. My hands tremble as I reach for the lever that can pull my seat back up, and it shoots back up as fast as it came down, and again with the speed of it coming back up, my hand slams on the horn, a loud buzzing sound dancing around the neighbourhood. I was a natural disaster in all its glory.

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