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"Sebastian, come here please", I call out from our bathroom. It had been a month now since we moved into the new house and we still had a few more things to buy in order to complete our home. I was currently in our closet trying to put a box on top of the shelf, but I was too short and I couldn't reach it even if I was perched on my tiptoes. I hear panting behind me and turn around to see Sebastian wearing a muscle shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. "Can you put this box on the shelf please", I say as I hand him the box in my hands.  He grabs it from me and effortlessly places it on the shelf as I huff. "Too short?", he smiles at me. I playfully punch him, "Shut up!"

"It's cute! How many times do I have to tell you?"

"You know I'm insecure about it"

"Well it's nothing to be insecure about because I love you just the way you are", he says as he kisses my forehead. "Are you done unpacking in the kitchen?", I ask him as we walk out of the closet and into our room. "Almost. You?"

"I finished our closet and now I'm going to unpack all of our clothes to put in the dresser". He nods his head and pulls me into him. "Can we take a break? Please?", he mumbles as I rest my head on his chest. "Yeah"

My phone begins to ring and I answer it, "Hello?"

"Dani?", someone says. The voice is muffled and I strain to hear better, "Hello?", I frown as I sit down at the edge of our bed. "Dani, it's Gemma"

"Hey, Gemma! How are you?"

"Not so good", she cries. My heart instantly drops at the tone of her voice and I look up at Sebastian who's looking back at me with a concerned face. "Gemma what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"It's Rob. He was in an accident. I'm at the hospital now but I don't know what to do. They won't let me see him and I'm all alone-"

I stand up and motion for Sebastian to leave the room as I follow him. "Stay where you are, Sebastian and I are on our way, okay?". She gives me the name of the hospital and Sebastian and I get into his car. "Is he okay? How bad is it?", Sebastian asks me as he drives. I feel my hands begin to shake and I slip them under my thighs to contain them, "I don't know, she didn't say"

"I hope he's okay", Sebastian says. "I hope so too", I whisper as I look out the window. When we get to the hospital I run inside and find Gemma sitting at the far end of the waiting room, her eyes red and puffy, while her hand rests on her growing bump. "Gemma!"

I run up to her and engulf her in a hug as her hold on me tightens, "Is he okay?", I ask. She shakes her head, "All they told me was that he was in surgery. I don't know anything. They refuse to answer my questions", she sobs. I hold her in my arms as Sebastian walks over to the front desk to try and negotiate with the nurse. "It's going to be okay. He's strong"

"I know he is, but I-"

"What you need to do right now is rest. Stress isn't good for the baby. If there's any news I'll wake you up, okay? Sebastian and I aren't leaving", I comfort her. She hesitates for a moment before sniffling and nodding her head. She leans her head on my shoulder and slowly but surely falls asleep. "Any news?", I whisper when Sebastian comes back to sit beside me.

"All I was able to get from the nurse was that he was crossing the street and a car ran a red light and hit him. She didn't specify his injuries or how badly hurt he is". I frown as I look down at Gemma's sleeping figure. I feel Sebastian lace his fingers through mine and I sigh, "He's going to be okay, Dani"

"I can't lose him. Gemma can't lose him", I whisper so that Gemma doesn't wake up. Sebastian doesn't say anything so I continue to hold his hand and stare off into the distance. We wait for about two more hours before we receive any substantial news on Robert. Gemma was still sleeping when the doctor arrived so I gently shook her awake to tell her. "Family only", the doctor says as he looks at Sebastian and I. Gemma sits up straighter now and clears her throat, "They are family"

"I apologize. Come with me please", the doctor says as he starts to walk. I grab a hold of Gemma's hand and she tightens her grip, "Thank you", I whisper to her. She gives my hand a light squeeze and sends me a weak smile. The doctor leads us to an empty examination room and informs us to sit down. We do as we're told. "So, Robert was in a really bad accident. He was crossing the street when a car drove past a red light and hit him. Basically his injuries include a broken femur, which we operated on, a broken arm, and two broken ribs. Although that may sound like a lot, it could have been far worse. He's very lucky to be alive. He's currently being brought to his room and will have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks before we can discharge him. You can go see but it's best if you allow him to rest"

We don't answer the doctor as we let all of the information sink in. He allows us to sit in silence for a few minutes before instructing us to follow him. When we arrive in front of Rob's hospital room I place my hand on Gemma's shoulder. "You go in", I nod, "He's your husband"

"No, he'd want you guys in there. I want you guys in there", she says as she reaches for mine and Sebastian's hands. I look at Sebastian and he nods his head, "Okay", I smile at her. Gemma walks in first and then Sebastian and I follow. I hold in my gasp as I see Rob, so that I won't make Gemma panic even more. I feel for Sebastian's hand and when I find it I interlace my fingers with his and tighten my grip. I hear Gemma let out a sob and I shake my head as I close my eyes. She grabs a chair and sits by his bedside while Sebastian and I stand a little farther away.

"Rob, it's me. It's Gemma", she cries as she picks up his bruised hand. I hear him let out a cough and I move closer to see him. "Gem, Gemma I'm okay, sweetheart", he whispers to her. Sebastian pulls me closer to him as he kisses the top of my head for reassurance. "I'll be okay. It could have been much worse. I'm grateful to be alive"

"When I got the call, I just-", Gemma starts to say but she begins to cry again. "Gemma, I'm okay. I promise. I wouldn't lie to you. Stress isn't good for the baby", he smiles as he reaches for her stomach. She moves closer and he places his hand on her belly. "Daniella and Sebastian are here too", Gemma sniffles.

Sebastian and I walk closer to his bed and smile. "Hey", I say as I smile weakly. "Oh not you too! I'm okay, Dani", he smiles at me. I can't help but laugh as I reach over to grab his hand. "You make sure Jen doesn't go snooping around my desk while I'm gone, okay?"

"Of course! That's my job, not hers", I smile as I watch his face turn into a sour look. "I already gave you like ten of my good pens, what else could you possibly want?", he laughs as he looks at me. I shrug, "I'll find something, don't worry"

"Of course you will"

"I'll tell Miss Bourgeois what happened so don't worry about it. I'll take care of your work too"

"You don't have to do that", he starts to protest but I shush him. "You've done more for me than you'll ever know. Let me do this. I want to do this, okay?", I tell him. He nods his head and squeezes my hand gently. "Well Sebastian and I should get going. We'll let you rest. I'll text you, okay?"

"Okay, thank you so much for coming and for being there for Gemma, it means the world to me", he says in a serious tone now. I watch as his eyes start to turn red and I realize he's on the verge of tears. I walk up to his bedside and carefully hug him as I let a few tears of my own build up in my eyes. "I love you, and don't ever forget that I'm here for you, okay?"

"I love you too"

Gemma stands up to walk us out and once we're out of Rob's room she engulfs me in a hug. "Thank you, Dani, for everything. You too, Sebastian". I hug back and nod my head, "There's no need to thank us. Sebastian and I will always have your back"

"Be careful on your way home, okay?". I nod and Sebastian and I head back to the car. Once we get home I waste no time in slipping on a pair of pyjamas and calling it a night. I was exhausted and I could tell that so was Sebastian, so we both get into bed and fall asleep in each other's arms.

Tomorrow I'd have to go to work alone for the first time since I started, and I'd have to tell Miss Bourgeois what happened to Rob. I just hoped that Jen would mind her own business for once so I could process everything that's happened.

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