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I wake up to the sound of something falling to the floor and I instantly jolt up in my bed. My covers are flung off my body as I rush to find out where the noise came from. My first instinct is to run to the guest bedroom where Sebastian is, and that's what I do as my bare feet pound on the floor. I run and knock on his door aggressively. "Sebastian? Sebastian is everything okay?", I ask him breathlessly. No one answers so I take it as my cue to open the door. I walk into the bedroom and find Sebastian leaning over a broken potted plant. I stifle a laugh as I watch him turn around, like a child that had been caught breaking his mother's favorite vase. "Seb?"

"Hey, sorry for waking you up", he says tiredly. I wave him off, "Are you okay? What happened?", I ask him as I walk closer towards him. I move over him to open the lamp and watch as it illuminates the room and his features. I step back as I notice his bare chest, and I distract myself with the broken pieces of the pot on the floor, to avoid Sebastian catching my blushing face. "I was trying to get to the bathroom, but I didn't see the plant", he says slowly as he scratches the back of his head. "I'll buy you a new one, I'm sorry"

I look at the plant and then back up at him from my crouched position, "Don't worry about it.  If anything, you did me a favour", I laugh as I walk towards the door, "I hated that pot anyways", I smile at him, my teeth showing. He smiles back and that reassures me, because it was his first, genuine smile since he got out of the hospital. "I'll be back, I'm just going to get a broom and the vacuum", I then look down at my bare feet, "And some shoes", I laugh. He nods his head, a faint smile still lingering on his lips.

I nod my head and slip out of the bedroom, walking back towards my own and slipping on a pair of socks and then a pair of closed slippers. I quickly run down the stairs and grab the broom and the vacuum, struggling to carry them up on my own. My back was spazzing by the time I reached the top step, and I drop everything on the floor to give myself a second to catch my breath. Once I regain some energy I pick up the vacuum and broom and bring them to Sebastian's room. I walk in and warm him that I'm opening the actual light and that it was best if he shielded his eyes. I flick the switch and squint my own eyes at the sudden brightness but quickly adjust as I begin to broom the larger pieces of the pot. I grab the garbage bag I had stuffed in the pocket of my pants and slowly throw them in, before plugging in the vacuum and cleaning up the smaller, dust like pieces. Sebastian grabs the actual plant and throws it in the trash, and grabs the broom to brush away the dirt. I then follow behind him with the vacuum and sigh in relief when we're done. I wipe my forehead and turn to look at the clock. Four in the morning. "All done", I breathe out as I smile at him. "I'm sorry"

"Hey", I tell him as he sits down on the edge of the bed. I move to sit beside him and carefully place my hand on his shoulder, "It's not a big deal, Sebastian. It was an accident. Don't be so hard on yourself", I frown as I look at his face up close. He was beyond exhausted and the bags under his eyes hung low. "Why don't you get some sleep, okay?", I whisper. He turns to look at me, our faces only inches apart. He looks into my eyes intently and nods his head, "Okay", he whispers back. I nod my head and give his arm a slight squeeze before turning off the light of the room and the lamp. I pick up the garbage bag and drag the vacuum and broom behind me as I close the door completely.

I tie a knot on the garbage bag and place it near the door to bring outside, before putting away the broom and vacuum in the closet with the rest of the cleaning supplies. I turn off the house alarm and open the door, tiredly grabbing the garbage bag and hauling it over my shoulder as I walk down the pathway to the garbage can. I open the lid and shove the bag inside and put the lid back on before heading back inside. It was beginning to get warmer outside. I close the door and put the alarm on again just in case and walk into the kitchen to wash my hands. I look at the clock and sigh. Five in the morning. I wipe down the counter and turn to look at the kitchen island. I grab a water bottle and sit down at the island, taking small sips. Slowly but surely my head begins to dip and my eyes close.

When I wake up again, I feel a hand gently shaking me. I lift my head up from my arms and wince at the stiffness in my neck. I slowly crane my neck to look up as I squint my eyes tiredly at the blurry silhouette in front of me. "Hey", my groggy voice says as Sebastian's face becomes clearer. "Is everything okay?", I ask him as I take a deep breath. I sit up straight and wince again as my back begins to hurt. Falling asleep at the kitchen island was probably not the best idea.

"Did you sleep here the rest of the night?", he asks me with curious eyes. I look at the time on the stove and look back at him. It was eleven in the morning. "I guess so", I let out a nervous laugh as I rub the back of my neck. "I'll make us breakfast", I smile at him, but before I can turn to the fridge I feel his hand latch onto mine. I turn my head around and my face begins to burn, "Let me", he clears his throat. "You've done so much for me already"

"Seb...", I sigh. "Don't feel as though you have to repay me every time I do something for you. You don't owe me nothing and everything I do for you is because I want to do it for you, because I care". He removes his hand from mine and pulls me into an unexpected hug. I hit his chest with a muffled "Oh!" escaping my lips. "Thank you", he whispers. I hug him back, wrapping my arms safely around his torso. I breathe in and my nose instantly fills itself with Sebastian's cologne. "You're more than welcome", I smile up at him, still in his arms.

I let go of him and sit down, while I watch him try and find his way around the kitchen. I stifle a laugh as he opens every cabinet, trying to find whatever it is he's looking for. I guide him every once in a while and soon enough he's collected all that he needs to make breakfast. "Are you sure you don't want my help? I feel bad, I mean, you're the guest and I should be the hostess", I frown as I watch him turn on the stove. "Can you please let someone treat you for once", he says, his back still facing me. I furrow my eyebrows at his comment, "What's that supposed to mean?"

He turns around to look at me, but his eyes hold a certain seriousness to them, "You're always doing everything for everyone else, and no one does the same for you, so for once in your life just sit back and let someone else treat you". I was taken aback by his sudden knowledge about me. I haven't spent enough time for him to know any of that, so how did he know? "How do you know that? You hardly know me..."

"Because it's clear to see that you're that type of person. I mean, you did that for me, and you barely know me", he says. I nod my head but don't answer him. Maybe having Sebastian live with me wouldn't be so bad. I mean, I could get to know this Sebastian. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as I thought. Maybe I needed this...something good.


So it's a really scary time for the entire world right now. COVID-19 is only getting worse and it breaks my heart to see the numbers going up everyday. Please, if you can, stay home and stay safe. Wash your hands and avoid touching your face. Taking these small steps can mean SO much and can determine the difference between getting the virus or not and spreading it to others. Please stay home and social distance like we're all being asked to do. Stay strong everyone, we'll get through this together, and hopefully, soon enough, we'll be able to hug each other and be with one another again -Sabrina

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