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"Okay, so I really need to start looking for a job, because being unemployed isn't fun", I say out loud as Sebastian sits across from me. He's been living with me for two weeks now, and so far the transition hasn't been that bad. It may have been a little awkward at first, considering I barely know him, but we're slowly starting to get to know each other better. "What are you looking for?"

I huff as I lean my head on my hands, "I have no idea", my words come out muffled as my mouth rests on my hands. Sebastian raises his eyebrows at me and I let out a laugh as I sit back up. "I don't know. I mean, I worked for a company. I went to school for that, so I doubt I'll get hired anywhere else other than something similar to what I was doing"

"Why don't you sound happy?", he questions me as he sets down the book he's reading. I look away and bite my lip, "I'm just tired of having people tell me what to do, you know? I want to be my own boss, but I don't have enough experience to go off on my own". I hear his chair moving and his presence makes itself known beside me as I hold in a breath. He leans over my shoulder and opens my laptop, typing something into the search bar. I feel his facial hair brush against my cheek as both his arms wrap around my body. I was internally screaming, because of how close he was to me. "Why don't you start off here? Look, they're hiring. You don't even have to work there for long. Maybe a year or two, just to get more experience in the field and then you can branch off on your own", his voice vibrates against my body and I fight the urge to look at him, knowing his face was only inches away from my own. "Look", he points to the screen, "There's a phone number"

He picks up my phone and dials the number, pressing it to my ear. My eyes widen as I look at him, "Sebastian! What do I say?", I whisper in a hurry as the line begins to ring. "Just tell them you want the job, not that you're interested. If you say you're interested they'll move onto another candidate. You have to be firm and state that you want the job"

My heart is racing and I can feel my hands begin to clam up. "Bourgeois By Designs, how may we help you?", a familiar voice rings through the phone. My breath catches in my throat as I feel my face heat up. My mind was swirling with thoughts, now, and I begin to panic. This couldn't be happening. There's no way. "Hello?", she says. I clear my throat as I feel my eyes water over from panic, "Yes, hi", I start, but I'm all choked up. Sebastian looks at me in worry as he walks closer to me. I stand up from the chair and back up. "I'm calling because of the job posting", I try to calm myself down. "Is it still available?"

"May I have your name, please"

"My name? My name", I repeat. By now I felt lightheaded. I felt like at any moment I was going to pass out. "Yes, your name", she says sharply on the phone. "Daniella...". I couldn't say Valentine. That wasn't my name. But it was. "Daniella Valentine", I say, but the name that rolls off my tongue doesn't seem right, and leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. My real name was Daniella Decker. But that wasn't true, because that name was only a figment of my imagination, and I needed to snap out it.

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