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"Dani can you come down for a second, I have to show you something", I hear Sebastian call out from downstairs. I fold the last article of clothing and put it back where it belongs before going downstairs to find Sebastian. "What's up?", I ask him.

"Sit down, please", he says as he pats the spot beside him. "Okay", I say skeptically as I slowly sit down. "Is everything okay?", I ask him as I see his pale face. He nods his head and grabs something behind him. A small box. "Okay I've been thinking about this for a while now, but I wasn't sure when the right time would be to ask you"

"Does this have to do with the conversation you had with Rob and Gemma when I wasn't there?", I ask him as he holds out the box to me. I grab it slowly and brush my fingers on the white bow. "Yes, well part of it"

"Can I open it?", I ask him carefully as I feel my heart begin to race. He nods his head and I see him wipe his hands on his pants as he looks at me. I take a deep breath and open the small box, and with a click it opens completely. I gasp as I look at what's inside. "Is this what I think it is?"

"I hope you're thinking what I'm thinking or else this is going to be really awkward", he smiles as he laughs nervously. I pick up the silver item and move it around my hand carefully. "A key? As in a key for a house?"

"Yes. I know it's soon, but I was hoping we could live in a house of our own, instead of me just living in your home. I know it's something we haven't discussed and maybe I'm in the wrong for going ahead and doing something like this without asking you if you were willing to leave this house, but I just really love-". I place my hand on his chest and kiss him, stoping him mid sentence. "This house isn't for me anymore"

"So you'll move into our new house?", he smiles widely. I nod my head and hug him tightly, "I will, but can I please see this house that I had no say in buying? What if I don't like it?"

He pulls away from me and stands up, grabbing my hand, "Hopefully you will. I chose something that I think you'll really like". I nod my head and he leads me to his car. We get in and he starts to drive. "How far away is it from here?". He holds my hand while he drives with the other, "It's about thirty minutes away. The area is beautiful and there are a lot of things close by so we have access to a lot of things without having to go far"

"Can I admit something?", I say suddenly as I run my fingers along his free hand. He hums and I continue as I watch him concentrate on the road. "I'm scared", I admit. He glances at me and then back at the road, his eyebrows scrunched together. "Why are you scared?"

"Because this is all new to me, and I've lost a lot of things and people and I'm just scared that this time it'll happen again. It seems like every time I'm finally happy and doing good, something bad happens", I tell him as I grip onto his hand. I see him nod his head, "Thank you for telling me this, honestly. With Kara there was no trust or communication, but with you, it's so easy. You trust me and I trust you and we can tell each other things without having to worry about being judged"

"Well I've never really trusted anyone enough and I do have a hard time figuring out who are the right people to confide in, and you're one of them. I mean, it might take me some time to fully be able to say things that are on my mind, because I've never really been good with expressing how I feel, but this is a start"

"And I'm proud of you for it, and to go back on what you said, it's okay to be scared, I'm scared too. We'll get through it together", he says as he lifts my hand up and brings it to his lips, kissing it three times in a row, "I love you, never forget that"

"I won't", I whisper as I squeeze his hand. We drive for a few more minutes before we turn down a street lined with the most beautiful houses I've ever seen. I watch each house pass as I try and figure out which one is ours, when Sebastian stops the car. "It's this one?"? I gasp as I look through the window. He nods his head with a smile and we both get out of the car. I walk on the sidewalk and look up in awe at how beautiful our new home is. The exterior looked exactly like what I had always wanted for my dream home. "It's perfect", I whisper as I bring my hand up to my mouth. "Wait until you see the inside", he comments as he leads me to the beautiful double doors of the entrance. Sebastian twirls the house keys in one hand and grabs my hand with the other, nodding encouragingly towards me, "Ready?"

I nod my head as my heart begins to race. Through those doors was a whole new life waiting for Sebastian and I. There was no going back, and this moment right here went beyond just a new home, it was the foundation of our relationship, and it signified a new beginning for the both of us. A chance to do things our way now.

"Together?", I ask him.


And we enter our new home.


Only four chapters left of Starting Over!!

- Sabrina

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