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I keep my head down as I walk to my desk, my mind racing with hundreds of thoughts. I was early this morning, again, so Miss Bourgeois hasn't arrived yet, but the wait for her arrival was agonizing. Sebastian kept texting me, sending me motivational messages and although I was grateful for the kind gesture and I loved him beyond belief, they didn't do much to calm my nerves.

Being an over thinker like I am, it was nearly impossible to make me feel better and Sebastian knew that, but he never stopped trying. I smile as I stare down at my lock screen of the two of us and run the pad of my finger over it, bringing the phone to my lips as I hold it there. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I shake my hands and start doing my work to distract myself and before I know it Miss Bourgeois is waking into her office.

I couldn't see her office from my desk but the sound of her footsteps were so recognizable, so I stand up and brush down my clothes, removing any creases or wrinkles and begin to walk to her office with my head up. I pass by Jen and I hear her mutter something under her breath but I don't give her the satisfaction of turning around as I keep walking straight ahead. When I reach her office the door is slightly ajar but I knock anyways. "Come in", she heaves a deep sigh. I walk in and stand behind her desk as I wait for her to speak.

"Ah, Daniella", she nods, as she motions for me to sit down. I sit down on one of the round chairs in front of her desk and fold my hands so she can't notice them shaking. "Good morning Miss Bourgeois", I say kindly. She looks at me for a few seconds and sighs as she places her pen down. "I really don't want to do this", she says. I raise my eyebrows in confusion as tilt my head to the side, "Do what?"

"Daniella, you're one of the best employees I've had in almost all my years of owning Bourgeois By Designs, and I'm very confident you'll go off to do amazing things in the future, but I've received a complaint from another employee and I don't take complaints lightly. Although I do not believe the accusations, as per the rule of conduct, it is out of my hands whether or not you should stay here. Not only has there been a complaint filed against you, but there has also been a complaint filed against Robert. And that too, I don't believe. But I also have a boss and I hate having to be the one to do this, but I have to fire you both, effective immediately"

I sit in front of her, my body slumping against the chair as my mouth runs dry. I look at her and I struggle to find the right words—or any words—to say. My mouth opens and closes but all I manage to let out is a sharp intake of air. "I don't understand. Who filed a complaint against us? We haven't done anything wrong!", I tell her as I sit up straight again. I was more than angry, I was furious.

"I can't disclose that information to you. Whenever a complaint is filed, the employees identity is protected", she says as she looks away from me. Miss Bourgeois was never the type of person to break eye contact, so this must have been hard on her, like she said it was. "You can't tell me?", I repeat. She nods her head. I stand up and slam my hand on her desk, watching as Miss Bourgeois eyes me carefully.

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