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I gain consciousness for what seems like only moments later, however when I take in my surroundings I'm no longer in my room. I groan as I catch a glimpse of a hospital bracelet wrapped around my wrist and try to rip it off, but the band seems to be thicker than rope. There was really no need to bring me to the hospital. It was just the shock that got to me. And that's when I remember the letter.

My body seems to freeze again and tears well up in my eyes. How could this be happening when I knew for certain that I was no longer dreaming. My head was pounding so hard that I struggled to keep my eyes open for how much pressure I felt behind them. The door to my room opens and I see Sebastian with two cups in his hand. Upon seeing me awake he neglects the cups on the bedside table and rushes towards me. He doesn't give me a chance to say or do anything as I feel his hands wrap around my body as tight as possible. "Dani, are you okay? I was so worried about you", he rushes. He pulls back but he stills holds onto my hand, squeezing it tightly. "I'm okay, I promise", I smile, but it doesn't reach my eyes.

Sebastian clears his throat and massages my hand with the pad of his thumb, "I found the letter...", he trails off. I look down at my lap and close my eyes, trying hard not to imagine the cursive writing inked on the white paper. "Do you want to talk about it?", he asks gently. I shake my head no and he nods his head in understanding. "Are you hungry? I can go get us something to eat?", he asks me. I know he's trying to make me feel better, and I appreciate that more than anything. I would've refused the food, but I know that starving myself won't do me any good so I nod my head and give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

He kisses my forehead before he leaves, and when he does, I bring my hand up to caress the spot where his lips were. I barely have time to form another thought before someone else is walking into my room, this time it's the doctor. "Daniella?", he asks me as he looks down at the clipboard. "Yes?"

"How are you feeling? Any nausea or dizziness?", he asks as he sits beside me. "No, I'm okay", I tell him as he writes everything down. He asks me a few more questions before standing up, "You seem to be okay, however it would be best if you take it slow for the next two days. I'll bring the discharge papers and you'll be good to go". I smile at him and he leaves, leaving me alone in my hospital room to be self consumed by own haunting thoughts.

I knew what I had to do in order to figure out what was going on, and to help myself. I needed to speak to a therapist.


"Are you sure you're going to be okay? I can come with you", Sebastian says as he stops the car. I smile at him and shake my head, "I'll be okay, I promise. I just think this is best for me right now. I promise I'll explain everything to you". He stares at me for a few seconds before embracing me in a tight hug, "I'm here for you, okay?", his voice comes out muffled in the crook of my neck and I hug him tighter. "I'm here for you too, okay?"

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