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"Okay so it's a double date?", I ask Robert as I sit down at my desk. "Yeah, Gemma can't wait to meet you", he smiles as he opens his computer. The energy in the office seemed much different than it had the past week and a half, and for some reason  I liked it, and so did Robert, considering it's actually quiet today. "Is it just me or is too quiet?", I ask Robert as I spin around in my chair. Both Rob and I look around the office and then at each other, "I don't like it", he whispers as he clicks his pen.

"I feel like something is going to-"

"Christina! In my office, now!", Miss Bourgeois yells from down the hall. My eyes widen as I look at Rob who looks back at me. Christina stands up and runs down the hall to see Miss Bourgeois and the door slams shut. "What do you think that's about?", I whisper as the office erupts in hushed whispers. "Who knows, there's not much action around here, so I'm anxious to see what's going to happen", he smiles as he types on his keyboard. I continue to do my work but the yelling coming from Miss Bourgeois' office distracts me and I'm unable to work properly. The shouts become louder and we all hold in a breath when the door to her office opens and a crying Christina comes running back to her desk, pulling out a box from under her desk and putting her belongings inside.

When she leaves, the office no longer remains silent, however it becomes increasingly loud with conversation as people add in their thoughts on what happened. "I heard she left her computer on while she was writing a nasty email about Miss Bourgeois and she caught her"

"Who even uses emails to send texts anymore, Jen?", Robert turns around in his chair. "Shut up Robert, no one asked you. What about you, new girl?"

I shake my head and my eyes widen, "What?". She rolls her eyes at me and crosses her legs, patting down her dress, "I said, what about you? What do you think?", she looks at me up and down and I swallow hard as I grip the edge of my chair. I can feel Rob's eyes on me and I let out a breath. "Does it really matter? It's none of our business what happened, and unless you want to be in Christina's place next, I suggest we just go back to work"

I turn back around and continue to do my work, but internally my heart is racing and I feel heat rising to my face. I let out a quiet, shaky breath and close my eyes. "You did not just do that! That was amazing", Rob beams as he slides his chair beside mine, moving my chair. I look at him and smile, "You really think so? I've never done anything like that before, I seriously think I might pass out", I say as I pat my warm face. "You were amazing!", he whispers. He looks over his shoulder and then back at me, "I've been wanting to shut her up for years. She's trying to work her way up to a promotion and she's not afraid to sabotage anyone's job here. She's done it before"

"Wait, seriously? How did Miss Bourgeois not catch on?"

"Because Jen is the Regina George of the department and she will destroy anyone who gets in her way", Rob emphasizes as he slams his hand on my desk. I look at him for a few seconds before slapping his arm, "Rob! And you decide to tell me this now? I would have never said what I said to her if I would've known how she is!"

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