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"Please tell me why you dragged me to the top of mountain. Is this your idea of fun? Because my lungs are currently crying and I can't feel my legs right now", I heave as I place my hands on my knees. "Oh come on! It's not that bad"

"Not that bad? How are you not sweating right now? You look even better than you did when we were at the bottom of the mountain. I think I lost about ten pounds", I pant as I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand. "We made it to the top didn't we?", he says as he shows me the view. I shake my head and grab the water bottle from him, taking large sips. "Need I remind you we have to go back down in order to get home. I think I lost circulation in my feet"

I sit down on a rock and sigh as I take a deep breath. "Why did I agree to do this?". Sebastian laughs and bends down to kiss me but I push his face away. "I'm sweaty. I smell like sweat and I'm pretty sure I put on bug spray instead of sunscreen"

"You agreed to do this because you love me, and I love you with or without bug spray", he says as he kisses me. "Okay enough, I can't take another slobbery kiss. If I wanted a salty kiss I would've opened a bag of chips"

Sebastian looks at me and I stare back. "What?", I shrug as I put my hands up. "Don't ever say that ever again"

"It's the truth! Now can we please head down the mountain because I'm exhausted and I'm really craving a huge bowl of pasta right now", I say as I start walking away from him. I hear him laugh from behind me and I look back to make sure he's following me. "My body will not be thanking you tomorrow, just so you know"

"You're so dramatic"

"Did you expect anything less? I mean, look at who you're dating", I say as I flick my ponytail to the side. He runs to catch up to me and nudges me. "Seb! I swear to God you better not nudge me again. My legs are actual jello right now and I'm at a high risk of falling, and you know that I'm already unbalanced when they're not jello"

"We need to enlist you in Sebastian's Bootcamp", he says as he walks past me. I cough as I sip my water again, pressing the now lukewarm water bottle to my face for some relief. "Sebastian's what?". "Sebastian's bootcamp. We're going to get you in shape. I mean you're beautiful just the way you are but your endurance sucks"

"Hey! I'll have you know I was the best runner in elementary school, okay!", I say but I can't help but laugh. "Okay but seriously you have to help me out. My body gets so tired so fast and I haven't done a workout in almost a year and I feel it"

"Sebastian's Bootcamp officially starts tomorrow", he says as he claps his hands together. I stop walking and stare at him as sweat trickles down the back of my neck. "Tomorrow? You mean to tell me that what we just did wasn't apart of bootcamp?"

"Doesn't count", he says as he smirks at me. "You're asking to sleep on the couch tonight, you're really asking for it", I say as I nudge him back. "You know that won't work", he says smugly. "And why not?"

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