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"Unemployed?! Dani, seriously what has gotten into you!", my sister chastised me over the phone. I finally built up the courage to call her and fill her in on the past month and a half. Needless to say, she wasn't happy, as truth be told, neither was I. "Nothing! It's just been a rough month, okay? I'm just trying to get my life back together and on track again"

I hear her sigh a deep, frustrated sigh, "I'm worried about you, Dani. Are you sure you don't want me to fly out to Los Angeles and stay with you for a while?". I shake my head as I bite my nail, "I'm fine, I promise. I love you, Jess"

"I love you too, big sis. Just please take care of yourself, okay? Please don't hold everything inside, I'm here for you", she sniffles. My own eyes well up with tears but I suppress them, "Don't start crying! I'll be okay, Jess, I promise you"

"Fine—Fine. I love you, and try and have a good day, okay? Do something productive, go outside, just do something". I shake my head and laugh at my little sister, "Okay, Jess. Have a nice day". I hang up and close my phone completely, deciding to have a no-phone type of day, so I can rest my mind and give it a break. I open the sliding glass door and step outside as I let the sunlight gleam on my face. I close my eyes and let the warmth of it take over my whole body as I sink into one of the patio chairs. I kick my feet up and lean my head back, taking a big sigh before closing my eyes completely and keeping them closed.

The sound of birds chirping and cars passing every so often made me feel at peace, brought me back to reality. I don't know why I didn't do this before, or why I don't do this more often, because it was so refreshing for me and my body. I felt calm, and I felt relaxed.

After an hour or two of being outside, I decided to go for a walk and maybe grab some lunch along the way. It was a beautiful day today, unlike any other, but I just couldn't pinpoint why or how, it just was. I fix the cap on my head as the wind slowly blows the few strands of my hair that were dangling near my face. The weather was gradually shifting to much warmer temperatures than the previous months, and so many restaurants had their terraces open for customers to sit and eat, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors.

I passed a few restaurants and smiled as people genuinely looked relaxed and happy with their friends, talking, eating, laughing. I turn my head and look down at my shoes. That sinking feeling in my chest rose again, as the smile slowly disappeared from my face. The loneliness that had left me, had come creeping back in. I bite my tongue to suppress the wave of tears I knew were bound to come, and this time, it worked. I was tired of crying all the time, and I knew that it would lead me nowhere and solve nothing, but it's hard not too.

I walk a little longer before I find my favorite restaurant, that holds all of my comfort foods. The terrace was wide open and busy as customers, waiters and waitresses walked in and out of the open area. I was close to the terrace when something, or rather someone stops me dead in my tracks. I halt so abruptly that the person walking behind me comes crashing into me, practically sending me tumbling to the ground. I shake it off and smile at him, reassuring the apologetic man that I was fine and it was just an accident, as I focus my attention back on the three people sitting at one of the tables outside, near the railing of the terrace. My heart was pounding against my chest as my mouth immediately runs dry. There they sat, Sebastian, Anthony and Chris. All three of them. Together.

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