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"Please, sit", Miss Bourgeois says as she takes off her glasses. I sit down in the leather chair and hold in a breath as I stare at her. Exactly like my dream. "Miss Valentine?", I hear her say. I look at her, eyes wide, "What?"

"I said, do you have your portfolio with you", she repeats. I nod my head and hand it to her. She opens it and sifts through the pages and then closes the file again. "I think you're going to fit in perfectly. A desk has been cleared for you and someone will be showing you what to do today. You're free to go", she nods her head. "Thank you for this opportunity", I smile nervously at her. She nods her head again and I stand up to leave. "Oh, and Miss Valentine?"

I turn around, gripping onto my bag, "Yes?", I ask her. "You can relax", she laughs as she looks at me. It wasn't until she said anything that I realized just how tense my body was. I nod my head and walk out of her office and head towards the open area where rows of desks sat, people working and conversing. I take in the large room and huff, trying to figure out where I should go. "Lost?", someone says behind me. I turn around and a guy, no older than I am, is standing in front of me with a stack of papers. "Yes, actually. I'm new here, and I was wondering where my desk is", I say as I look at him. "You've got 'new girl' written all over you, come on I'll show you", he laughs. For a moment I'm taken aback, but I hear Sebastian telling me to calm down in the back of my mind, so I laugh with him. "Oh would you look at that!", he exclaims. He stops walking abruptly causing me to slam into his back. "I'm so sorry!"

"Don't sweat it. Your desk is right next to mine. You're in luck, honestly. I'm the best neighbour around here", he says as he pulls my chair out for me. I sit down and he pushes the rolling chair back. He sits down at his own desk and turns to look at me, "If you really want to know, the majority of the people here are too full of themselves to care about anything or anyone else, but you didn't hear that from me!", he whispers. I smile at him, "So I should be lucky then? Since I have you as my neighbour". He nods his head. "I'm Robert, but you can call me Rob", he extends his hand out for me to shake and I do, "I'm Daniella but you can call me Dani". "Nice to meet you, so basically what you have to do for this job is way more simple than it seems and I'm sure you'll be able to grasp it pretty quickly", he starts.

The rest of the day is spent being taught what to do by Robert and him talking bad about his coworkers. "I'm convinced that I'm the best employee she has, unless you take my spot", he jokes. "I think you and I will be very good friends", I laugh as he types something into his computer. I reach into my bag and pull out the picture frame of Sebastian and I and place it on my desk, smiling as I run my fingers across the picture. "Is that your boyfriend?", I hear Robert say beside me. He leans over to look at the picture. "Yes, his name is Sebastian". "You guys make one good looking couple", he comments as points toward the picture. I shake my head, "Thank you. What about you? Anyone special in your life?"

He nods his head and shows me his hand, "Recently married actually. I would put her picture up on my desk but the people around here are too nosy", he comments as he looks around. I laugh, "You really don't like your co-workers do you?"

"I tolerate them, yes, but I don't like them. They all vie for Miss Bourgeois' attention and it can get pretty competitive around here. I'm happy you're here now so I have someone to gossip with. You don't seem too bad", he says as he nudges my shoulder. "Well believe me, I'm glad I found you on my first day, or else they would have eaten me alive"

"I've got your back, don't worry about it", he smiles. I nod my head and smile back, "And I've got yours"


"He is not the hottest one of the two!", Robert yells at me as he closes his computer. "He is! You mean to tell me you find him more attractive? I mean, look at him!", I counter back as I point at my screen. He leans over me and shuts the screen off, "Hey! Why did you do that for?"

"Because I'm right and you're wrong and I want to go home". I nudge him and grab my bag, stuffing the picture frame back in it. "Why are we even fighting about this?", I laugh as we walk out of the building. "I don't know, but my wife would kill me if she knew that I find Jackson cuter than Scott"

"I choose neither to be honest", I say as we reach the parking lot. "Neither? What do you mean neither?", he asks me as he stops walking. "I'm a Stiles Stilinski girl all the way. Since day one. Always have been and always will be", I smile as I unlock my car. "So we're all rooting for three different men. You're rooting for Stiles, I'm rooting for Jackson, and my wife says Scott"

"I need to meet your wife, Sebastian doesn't watch my shows and I need someone to talk about them with", I say as I lean against my car. He lifts his hands up, "What about me? Am I not enough?"

"I need girl time, I have no female friends here", I laugh as I twirl my keys around my finger. "Well I'll be sure to mention you to her. I'll give you her number tomorrow, but for now I have to run and surprise her before she gets home from work. See you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow". I get in my car and close the door, pulling out of the driveway and heading home. I just completed my first day of work and it went better than I had expected. Maybe things were finally starting to make sense for me, and maybe things were finally starting to work out.


I have never and will never understand, why people choose to be racist. I can't comprehend why the color of someone's skin matters so much. To me it's how the person is on the inside and NOT how they look on the outside. The color of someone's skin DOES NOT define who they are as people, but how they act and how they treat others IS. If you think for a second that being racist is okay, please feel free to unfollow me because I don't want you here. This account is a safe place for every and all races. I'm using my platform to speak up about this because I can't sit still and watch this happen and not say anything about it. This has gone on far too long and it makes me sick to my stomach to see that stuff like this is still going on. We look at the past and nothing has changed. Stop attacking innocent black people. Stop harassing them. Stop judging them by the color of their skin. They are born with it, they can't change it, and they constantly live in fear because of it. Do you know how messed up it is for a person to live in fear because of their skin color?! I can't believe our world has come to this. I'm privileged enough to have grown up and still be living a life where the color of my skin doesn't threaten my life or scare the people around me, and I feel that it is my duty as a white person, to stand up and stand with black people, because now more than ever, they need us and our voices. Innocent lives are being taken for no given reason and it needs to stop! The world is finally waking up and we must stand and fight for this! Black lives matter and they matter SO much. Too many innocent black people have lost their lives. This is not the world I want to live in, this is not the world black people should be living in. Don't say all lives matter. BLACK lives matter. When we say black lives matter, we are not saying that every other life doesn't matter, or that you're not struggling in life, we're saying that black lives matter because they have been suffering for far too long and they deserve to matter just as much as everyone else. NO LIVES MATTER UNTIL BLACK LIVES MATTER. Please, if you have a platform, use it. Bring awareness, speak up about it, stand with them, sign petitions, donate to organizations if you can, educate yourself on the matter! Black lives matter!

- Sabrina

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