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It was around seven o'clock in the morning when I received the call from Anthony. Both Anthony and Chris had stayed with Sebastian after they left my house late last night. I was currently in my car, on my way to Sebastian's house. I was given his address by Anthony and I realized that he didn't live that far from me.

My heart was racing and my grip on the steering wheel tightened as I replay the phone call I had with Anthony. He was frantic on the phone, begging for me to get to Sebastian's house as soon as possible. My mind automatically went to the worst case scenarios, and my anxiety only increases the closer I get to his house. When I finally pull into the driveway I waste no time in shutting off my car and running up to the door. Anthony answers it within seconds and he's directing me towards the living room, which was a complete mess. Glass was shattered all over the floor from different picture frames and flower vases, the pillows were ripped to shreds, cotton littering the floor, and empty bottles of alcohol were sprawled out on the carpet.

I resist the urge to gag at the intense smell of the alcoholic beverages. On the couch I see Sebastian laying there, motionless as he carelessly downs a full bottle of vodka. Without thinking I rush over to him and yank the bottle from his firm grasp, handing it to Anthony. Sebastian slurs as he looks at me with his hazy and bloodshot eyes. His face was awfully pale, and the tiniest specks of sweat were beginning to form on his upper lip and forehead. "What happened to you", I whisper as I look at him. Sebastian attempts to speak but face plants into his own lap, unconscious. "When did he start drinking?"

"Both Anthony and I woke up to the sound of glass breaking and we came running into the living room and found him like this, already two bottles in", Chris frowns as he tries to wake up Sebastian. "We need to get him to a hospital immediately. If he drank this much, he can get alcohol poisoning", I say, my voice raising in octaves. Anthony and Chris grab either side of Sebastian and haul him to my car. They strap him into the backseat and both of them sit on either side of him to support his limp body. I quickly start the car and drive to the closest hospital, running one or two red lights. At this point, getting a ticket was the least of my worries.

When we arrive at the hospital we run into the emergency and the nurse wastes no time in getting Sebastian onto a stretcher and into an examination room. I try to follow him but a male nurse stops me, placing his hands out in front of me, blocking any access way to Sebastian. "Please, I have to be with him", I raise my voice as I look at Sebastian finally disappear from my sight. My face was warm and my heart was racing as I tried to plead with the nurse, but he apologized and told me that until they checked him out and received his results I would have to stay in the waiting room.

I hesitantly comply with him and stalk back to Chris and Anthony who saved a seat for me. "He's going to be okay, Dani", Chris tries to reassure me. I nod my head but say nothing as I stare down at the hospital floor. "She messed him up pretty bad didn't she?", I say, a lump forming in my throat. I feel my face weigh down as pressure builds behind my eyes, tears beginning to form. Anthony and Chris look at me and nod their heads, slight tears in their own eyes, "How can someone be so heartless and do this to someone who loves them?"

"I don't know, Dani, but at least he's not with her anymore, that's the positive thing about all of this. We have to be strong for him. He needs us", Anthony says as he grabs onto my hand. I sniffle, "He doesn't need me", I shake my head, "He barely knows me. He needs you guys"

I hear Chris shift beside me and he grabs my other hand in his, "He doesn't need you? Dani, are you kidding me? When he's not talking about work or sports or whatever it is he's talking about, he's talking about you. How kind you were every time you guys bumped into each other. How gentle you were. When he spoke about you he genuinely seemed happy, and that's something we haven't see him be for a very long time"

"Really?", I ask him. He nods his head and gives me a hug as I bury my head in the crook of his neck. "Family of Sebastian Stan?", someone calls out. The three of us look up to find the same nurse as before. We stand up and walk towards him as he leads us to a room. Time had slipped by us when we were talking, as we had been waiting for at least two hours in the waiting room. We enter Sebastian's room and I instantly hold my breath as I see his pale body hooked up to several machines. "You're very lucky you brought him in when you did. There was a substantial amount of alcohol in his system, and if he would've had even three or four more sips he could've been dead. We managed to take out all of the alcohol from his system however he's going to need a lot of rest. In cases like this we would usually have him answer some questions and decide if he needs to go to rehab but in his case, he doesn't seem to be a threat to himself. I would suggest, however, some special care, meaning one of you, or all three of you will have to keep a close eye on him", the doctor explains to us.

I shake my head and squeeze my own hands together. To think that I could've lost Sebastian a second time. The doctor tells us that she'll keep Sebastian here over night just for observation but that by tomorrow he should be well enough to be discharged.

Once she leaves I pull up a chair beside his bed and place my hand on top of his. I wince as I look at the IV piercing his skin. I was never good with needles. Anthony and Chris sit on the opposite end of the bed, facing me, as we all look at Sebastian. I close my eyes and drown out every other sound except for the steady beat of Sebastian's heart, reassuring me that he is okay. I allow a few silent tears to fall from my eyes as I quietly sit in my chair, watching his chest rise and fall.

All I could think about was him and what my life had come to. I have never felt so unlike myself than right now. We stayed with Sebastian for the whole day, only leaving to go to the bathroom and once to go and get something to eat, however I didn't leave his side at all. I never got up to go to the washroom and when offered food from Chris and Anthony I refused. I hadn't left his side since we arrived here. It was now nearing eight o'clock at night and it was obvious that Anthony and Chris were tired. "Guys, go home and rest. I'll stay with him", I try and smile but the boys know it's far from real. "Dani, you should go home and rest, too. We'll come back tomorrow morning", Chris tries to convive me to leave. I shake my head as I hold Sebastian's hand, "No, I'm not leaving him. I can't", my voice breaks. After countless of failed attempts to try and get me to leave, Anthony and Chris leave, but not before hugging me and whispering that everything would be okay.

"You saved his life", Chris whispers to me. He leaves with Anthony following behind him, the door closing behind them. I was now left alone in complete silence with Sebastian, other than the beeping of the various machines in the room. I shake my head as Chris' words echo in my mind. "No", I whisper. "He saved mine"

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