Chapter 1~

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★Lucy's POV★

Today's been kind of boring.. I really wanna talk with Levy but.. let's say she's having a moment with Gajeel..

Lisanna is nowhere to be found so I can't talk to her too... Mirajane is busy talking with the -kinda drunk- guild master..

Juvia is also nowhere to be found... probably stalking Gray.

But.. Gray, Erza and Natsu are also nowhere to be found since yesterday.

They've been really weird yesterday, they kept looking at me with an apologetic look, and when I was going to go home they muttered something like 'sorry'.

I sigh -kinda dramatically tbh-.

It's already afternoon and I still haven't seen them.

Oh well, whatever I guess. I'll just see them tomorrow!

I get up from my seat and head toward the exit.

When I'm outside the guild, my back facing the door, I stretch as I let the wind cooling me down. 

Suddenly, I notice Erza, Gray, Natsu and Happy walking toward me, they have backpacks on-well Erza has... yeah.. a carriage with lots of luggages-.

"Hey guys! Are you planning on going somewhere?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

They look at each other with a sad frown.

Erza sighs, "Listen Lucy, don't take it personally, okay?" she starts to say.

I slowly nod, skeptical.

"We're going on a mission..." She says.

"Oh? Really? Why didn't you tell me, I don't have my luggage ready!" I say, kinda panicking.

"No.. you don't get it Lucy.. It's without you.." Gray says, looking sadly at the floor.

"Ah- what? Why?!" I ask.

"It's too dangerous and we don't want you to get hurt." Gray answers with a sad sigh.

"Wha-.. But, we're a team..?" I say, not understanding what's going on. What's that supposed to mean? It's not a little mission that'll kill me. Hell! I even almost died many times! So what's the meaning of all of this?

"The mission is really dangerous.. And we can't afford to let you come with us.." Erza says, looking at me in the eyes.

"But.. what? I don't understand.." I say, desperately trying to understand what's going on.

"The mission will be really difficult, it's a S-class mission, it's very far from Magnolia and it will take a lot of time.." Erza briefly explains.

"But.. we've already been on a S-class mission, we've already faced super strong and deadly opponents, we've already been on another country and we already took many weeks to do some missions sometimes too, so what's your point?" I say, frowning.

"The point is that it's not like the other stuff..." Gray says, looking down.

"Can you just explain me what is the mission supposed to be?" I ask with a desperate tone.

Erza sighs and nods, "It's going to be on Enca (a country under Sin, look at a fairy tail map to see). Apparently there's a big amount of dark lethal guilds that showed up in only one night and people thinks their master is the same for every other dark guild that showed up... The thing is that the guilds showed up in all the country and even on Sin..." she says.

"And we have to eliminate all of them." Gray continues.

"And so? I don't see why I don't get to come with you guys!" I say, still frowning.

"The dark guild is very strong and as I said, lethal. The conditions are unfavorable plus, the trip to just go to Sin and Enca will take many days, if not, weeks." Erza says.

"So what?" I say, trying not to sound too arrogant even tho I'm sorta pissed off.

"Please, Luce, don't make things more complicated than it already is.." Natsu finally says something with a pleading tone. His eyes are full of sadness, but no tears. All he was doing when Erza, Gray and I talked was to frown at the ground with a sobbing happy on his head.

The way he's looking at me guiltily makes me sigh, "Alright... I guess I don't want to be a burden to you guys.." I say, looking at my feet.

"Luce, don't you ever dare call yourself a burden! You're a great help for our missions, you're strong but this time, even if you have the brain, you don't have enough magic for this one because it will go on for... years..." Erza almost yells the start but the end almost comes out as a whisper.

Wait.. what.


"W-what..? Y-years..?!" I almost yell.

"We're really sorry Lucy.." Gray says, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"We promise we'll try to finish the mission as fast as possible, Lucy." Erza says, rubbing my back.

Natsu doesn't say anything.

Instead, he just hugs me, I hug him back trying to not cry.

I don't want everything to happen again.

Natsu already left me for one year.

The guild then disbanded.

And I was alone.


"I promise when I come back, nothing will tear us away again, okay?" Natsu says as he stepped back.

I simply nod.

"How many years..?" I ask with a low tone.

"At least six..." Erza answers.

I could feel my tears flowing out.

"Hey, I know it must be hard for you.. but.. we also decided to give you most part of the reward." Gray says with a small smile to cheer me up a bit.

"Yeah, at least one year worth of pay rent." Erza says, also with a small smile.

I sigh and try to smile as my tears are still coming out.

"Well.. atleast come back in one piece.." I try to say with a sarcastic tone but fail miserably.

Happy rushes to me and sobs on my chest as I put my arms around him.

"Group hug?" I ask.

"Group hug." They say with a small smile as they came to me to hug me.

After some minutes of silence, they pull back and wave at me before slowly walking away.

"N-Natsu!" I shout, a little bit blushing.

He turns around and tilts his head.

"Yes Luce?" He says, waiting for what I wanted to say.

Should I tell him now?


No.. It's not the right time..

"You better not forget to bring me some souvenir." I say, with a teasing smile when in reality I just want to bang my head on a wall.

He shows me his big toothy smile before saying, "No prob Luce! Anything for ya!" and turns back to the others while Erza and Gray look at me with a knowing smile, they knew what I originally when to say. 

But I'm pretty sure they also know why I didn't say it.

I sigh as I watch them go away.

Once again.

I love you Natsu,

please come back soon with the others.


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