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*10 years later....*

★Narrator's POV★

"Hey Natsu, where's Happy?" A blonde haired woman asked as she rubbed her 5-months-pregnant stomach.

Her husband, Natsu, turned around and answered with a thoughtful look on his face, "Huh? I think I saw him in the garden with-"

"HEEEEELPPPPPPPP!!!" A flying blue exceed yelled.

The pregnant woman, named Lucy as you all probably guessed, sighed. "Oh come on... she better not be trying to roast Happy again..." she mumbled to herself.

Natsu chuckled as he got up from their couch, "I'll take care of it! You rest!" he exclaimed as he got closer to the window, looking at their garden.

As he guessed, Happy was being chased by their little ray of sunshine.

Lucy shook her head as she watched Natsu exit the house by the window... 'Some things just never change, I guess...' she thought with a small smile.

"Alright.. What's going on here?!" Natsu asked as he crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Natsu! She was trying to burn me again!" Happy sulked as he landed on Natsu's head.

He sighed, "Nashi... what did Lucy say about roasting people?" Natsu asked as he walked toward a little girl.

"But daddy! He said I liked Storm! Ew!" Nashi exclaimed with a blush on her face.

"HUH?! THE KID OF THE ICE PRICK?! NO WAY MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER WOULD LIKE THE BASTARDS KID!!!" Natsu yelled as he tried to get Happy who flew away from him.

"Natsu! No swearing!" Lucy exclaimed from the window.

"But Luce! He said Nashi liked Storm! Ew!" Natsu exclaimed dramatically.

"Like father, like daughter..." Lucy said to herself, "Come on Natsu, it's not because Storm is Gray's son that he is 'bad'." she said.

"Yeah! He's not bad! Stop insulting him, dad! Only I get to insult him!!!" Nashi exclaimed with a frown.

"Whaa?! Nooo!! Not my baby-girl!!!!" Natsu sulked as he tried to hug Nashi.

Nashi dodged and ran to the window, where her mother is at.

"Mommy, save me! I don't want daddo-weirdo to touch me!" Nashi exclaimed as she tried to climb the window.

Lucy sighed and helped Nashi to sit on the window, "You're starting to have this bad habit of climbing windows..." she said, mostly to herself.

"Hey it's not weird!" Natsu complained in the background.

Nashi turned to her father and pulled out her tongue in a mocking way.

"Luce!! See what our own daughter is doing to me?!" Natsu exclaimed as he pointed Nashi with his index.

Lucy sweat dropped.

"Anyway... We should get ready to go to the guild." Lucy said as she ignored Natsu's comment.

"Hey guys! I'll be going now! Carla needs help with our kittens!" Happy waved before flying away.

"I still don't understand why he's still living with us, he has kittens to take care of.." Lucy muttered to herself as she shook her head in a disapproving way.

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